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dc.contributor.advisorMutti, Regina Maria Varinipt_BR
dc.contributor.authorMatte, Marleni Nascimentopt_BR
dc.description.abstractEste trabalho tem como objetivo a realização de uma anal ise do discurso pedagógico a fim de refletir sobre a presença da informática na escola como um acontecimento discursivo, verificando os sentidos produzidos por alunos e professores. É um estudo sobre o processo de informatização da escola, elaborado a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores e alunos de duas escolas, do Rio Grande do Sul, visando a constituir um co/pus de análise. A partir das marcas de heterogeneidade mostrada, são descritas as posições ocupadas pelos sujeitos no fio do seu discurso; e, através dessas posições e dos sentidos produzidos, descrevem-se as relações e negociações materializadas nos discursos. A teoria da Análise de Discurso é utilizada como referencial teórico. São encontrados sentidos de negação e de afirmação da informática, revelando atitudes de resistência e de adesão. Esses sentidos ressoam sobre o acontecimento discursivo, mostrando a sua construção como um processo instável e não-homogêneopt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis piece of work has the aim of producing a pedagogicald iscourse analysis in arder to better think about a connected set of actions and operations related to Computer Science effects on the educational institutions as a kind of discoursive happening. It algo aims to verify the meanings that the students and teachers have usually produced about the possible relations between computer science and pedagogical classroom activities. This research wants to elaborate an evaluation linked to Computer Science educational effects. So the analyzed discoursive clippings are constituted by interviews that take plane in two institutions - a public school and a private school in Rio Grande do Sul. Taking unto consideration the discoursives sequences, some linguistic traces that reveal the language heterogeneity are detached, teacher's and student's positions revealed in the discourse are pointed, and the meanings related to Computer Science educational effects are discussed. The negotiation between the human about the meanings that they constituted and by which they are also constituted is described trough the produced positions and meanings. The ideas considered by Discourse Analysis are my reflexion bases. During the process of finding ways in order to better understand some possible Computer Science educational effects, it was possible to detach some pedagogical issues linked to Computer Science. They emphasize the teacher's and student's insufãcient formation of Computer Science use and the importante of organizing pedagogical plans and altematives related to the Computer Science use in the school activi9 nes. The teacher's and student's positions reveal particular ways of functioning, particular interpretation gestures and particular oscillations from practices that see the Computer Science as an important pedagogical recourse to practices that do not agree with this point of view. According to these observed attitudes, it is possible to conclude that the discoursive happening is an unstable and heterogeneous process where meanings appear from.en
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectDiscurso pedagógicopt_BR
dc.subjectInformática na educaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectAnálise do discursopt_BR
dc.subjectComputador na educaçãopt_BR
dc.titleA informática na escola como acontecimento : que sentidos estão sendo produzidos?pt_BR
dc.identifier.nrb000302934pt_BR Federal do Rio Grande do Sulpt_BR de Educaçãopt_BR de Pós-Graduação em Educaçãopt_BR Alegre, BR-RSpt_BR

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