Effect of glass fiber on the restorative procedure in relation to fracture strength of endodontically treated molars
Aim:To evaluate whether the restorative procedure using glass fibers influence the fracture strength of endodontically treated molars with class II mesio-occlusal (MO) preparation.Methodology: Fifty human maxillary third molars were selected and randomly assigned to five groups (n=10). MO cavity preparation and endodontic treatment were standardized, except for the positive control group (S, sound teeth). The other groups were classified as: ET, no restoration (negative control); SF, restoratio ...
Aim:To evaluate whether the restorative procedure using glass fibers influence the fracture strength of endodontically treated molars with class II mesio-occlusal (MO) preparation.Methodology: Fifty human maxillary third molars were selected and randomly assigned to five groups (n=10). MO cavity preparation and endodontic treatment were standardized, except for the positive control group (S, sound teeth). The other groups were classified as: ET, no restoration (negative control); SF, restoration with SonicFill 2® system; SFB, restoration with braided glass fiber and SonicFill 2® system; and SFP, restoration with transfixed glass fiber post and SonicFill 2® system. The specimens were subjected to fracture strength testing on a universal testing machine. Fracture site – either pulp chamber floor or cusp – was inspected. Statistical anal-ysis was performed using ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test (α=5%).Results: Means followed by the same letter did not show statistical difference in Tukey’s test (P>0.05). S: 3563A ± 780.7; ET: 1001D ± 237.6; SF: 1689C ± 280.7; SFB: 2256B ± 289.2; and SFP: 2493B ± 364. Conclusions:The glass fiber, regardless of composition, increases the fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth.The use of a glass fiber post attached to the dental crown seems to provide more favorable rehabilitation when the fracture position is determined. ...
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Giornale italiano di endodonzia. Milão. Vol. 35, no. 1 (2021), p. 178-186
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