Judicial policy diffusion : a model to analyze specialized state courts fighting organized crime in Brazil
This article examines the judicial specialization process of courts focused on fighting organized crime in Brazilian states. The study describes the policy diffusion, which adopted the mechanisms of learning and emulation, and proposes a theoretical model. The literature reviewed associates the debate on judicial policies, specialization of courts, and public policy diffusion. Specialization of state courts was implemented in Brazil in four different waves throughout the period between the edit ...
This article examines the judicial specialization process of courts focused on fighting organized crime in Brazilian states. The study describes the policy diffusion, which adopted the mechanisms of learning and emulation, and proposes a theoretical model. The literature reviewed associates the debate on judicial policies, specialization of courts, and public policy diffusion. Specialization of state courts was implemented in Brazil in four different waves throughout the period between the edition of the National Council of Justice Recommendation in 2006, until nowadays. The specialization of courts in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil was carried out to fight organized crime related to drug trafficking and criminal groups. The most recent wave originated as an outcome of the corruption investigation known as Operation Car Wash, apparently associated with political and economic corruption in the Southeast, Central-West, and South regions of the country. ...
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Sociologies in dialogue. Porto Alegre, RS. Vol. 5, n. 2 (July/Dec. 2019), p. 24-51
Artigos de Periódicos (41344)Ciências Humanas (7184)
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