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Reliability of RC cross-sections designed for simple bending according to the 2014 and 2023 versions of NBR 6118 code
(2025) [Artigo de periódico]This article presents a comparative study of the reliability of reinforced concrete (RC) cross-sections subjected to simple bending, designed at the ultimate limit state and following the recommendations of the 2014 and ... -
SWOT reveals how the 2024 disastrous flood in south Brazil was intensified by increased water slope and wind forcing
(2025) [Artigo de periódico]Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of flooding, emphasizing the need to better understand these events. Satellite observations provide essential information, and the recent launch of SWOT ... -
Cost evaluation of acute ischemic stroke in Latin America : a multicentric study
(2025) [Artigo de periódico]Background Current literature highlights a gap in precise stroke cost data for Latin America. This study measures the real costs associated with acute ischemic stroke care in Latin America using Time–Driven Activity-Based ... -
Enchentes e inundações no Rio Grande do Sul em 2024 : impactos e desafios para a gestão integrada de políticas públicas no saneamento básico
(2024) [Artigo de periódico]O objetivo deste artigo é abordar como os desastres envolvendo eventos naturais extremos são potencializados pela falha da infraestrutura existente. O texto evidencia a importância da gestão pautada pela integralidade dos ... -
Zonas parcialmente diluídas em revestimento de AWS A5.9 ER385 em ASTM A36 via processo TIG-P
(2024) [Artigo de periódico]A análise das regiões desoldagem em revestimento, principalmente nas sobreposições de cordões, é de suma importância. Essas regiões apresentam muitas vezes comportamento diferente na zona sobreposta, apresentando uma região ... -
Assessing evapotranspiration changes in response to cropland expansion in tropical climates
(2024) [Artigo de periódico]The expansion of cropland in tropical regions has significantly accelerated in recent decades, triggering an escalation in water demand and changing the total water loss to the atmosphere (evapotranspiration). Additionally, ... -
Safe development paradox : evidence and methodological insights from a systematic review
(2024) [Artigo de periódico]Hydrological hazards pose significant threats worldwide, resulting in extensive societal and environmental impacts. To mitigate these impacts, structural protection measures like levees are commonly implemented. However, ... -
Numerical analysis of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) buildings : a parametric study on steel connectors when subjected to seismic loading under Eurocode 8 and NBR 15421
(2025) [Artigo de periódico]Cross-laminated timber (CLT) presents significant potential for sustainable construction but requires further investigation under seismic conditions. This study develops a numerical model to evaluate the seismic design ... -
Factors that influence the use of ride-sourcing services : a São Paulo City case study
(2023) [Artigo de periódico]The rapid emergence of ride-sourcing services makes it challenging for public managers and researchers to understand and quantify their impacts. This study evaluates the influence of socioeconomic and attitudinal factors, ... -
Análise das superfícies de resposta da diluição e morfologia do cordão em processo de soldagem MIG-PV
(2024) [Artigo de periódico]A complexidade dos processos de soldagem atuais, bem como sua sensibilidade e precisão fazem com que seja necessário o emprego de métodos estatísticos e otimização, acompanhados da busca pelo erro experimental e do ajuste ...