• Vascularização arterial do estômago, duodeno, pâncreas, fígado e baço em Myocastor coypus (nutria) 

      Campos, Rui; Culau, Paulete de Oliveira Vargas; Araújo, Ana Cristina Pacheco de (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background: Rodents are the largest group of mammals. The nutria is a middle-sized rodent, native to South America, raised for meet and fur. This study has the objective to systematize and describe the arterial vascularization ...
    • Vascularization of the uncus : anatomical study and clinical implications 

      Isolan, Gustavo Rassier; Marrone, Antonio Carlos Huf; Marrone, Luiz Carlos Porcello; Stefani, Marco Antonio; Costa, Jaderson Costa da; Telles, João Paulo Mota; Choi, Gil Goulart; Silva, Saul Almeida da; Rabelo, Nícollas Nunes; Figueiredo, Eberval Gadelha (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background: The objective of this paper was to describe the arterial supply of the uncus and quantify the branches directed to the anteromedial aspect of the human temporal cortex. Methods: We studied 150 human cerebral ...
    • Vascular supply of the central nervous system of the land snail Megalobulimus oblongus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) 

      Noblega, Hector Gabriel; Missaglia, Vivian; Stenert, Cristina; Heuser, Maria Cristina Faccioni; Achaval-Elena, Matilde (2003) [Artigo de periódico]
      The vascularization of the central nervous system of the snail Megalobulimus oblongus was studied by injection of carmine-gelatin solution into the arterial system and using a histochemical technique for the detection of ...
    • Vegetação campestre de areais do sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul sob pastejo e com exclusão do pastejo 

      Trindade, José Pedro Pereira; Quadros, Fernando Luiz Ferreira de; Pillar, Valerio de Patta (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
      O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os efeitos de dois manejos do pastejo, sobre a vegetação natural do entorno de areais, da região Sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram estudadas 41 parcelas de comunidades de 4,5x9 ...
    • Verificação e adequação das metodologias de análise espectrofotométrica para a identificação de clorofila a em amostras de água 

      Schwarzbold, Albano; Pedrozo, Catarina da Silva; Miranda, Ana Luiza Burliga; Raya-Rodriguez, Maria Teresa Monica (1999) [Artigo de periódico]
      Um convênio da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Aleggre (DMAE - Departamento Municipal de Águas e Esgotos) com o Centro de Ecologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul foi firmado no sentido de adequar os métodos ...
    • O verme dos ovos de ouro 

      Silva, Carlos Eugenio (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
    • Very early meningoencephalopathy associated with the intraoperative use of OKT3 in renal retransplant 

      Assmann, Juliana Bohn; Fontana, Vivian; Pansard, Henry Mor; Ferreira, Maria Beatriz Cardoso; Bianchin, Marino Muxfeldt (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
    • Viabilidade de ovos de Fasciola hepatica de bovinos em sistema de biodigestão anaeróbia 

      Mentz, Marcia Bohrer; Wiest, Jose Maria; Goncalves, Pedro Cabral (2004) [Artigo de periódico]
      Cattle Fasciola hepatica egg-viability was studied in closed system of anaerobic biodigestion. Two thirds of a biodigestor were filled with liquefied manure from eight Hosltein cows, naturally infected. For 10 consecutive ...
    • Viability of Bovine's Strongyloidea eggs in a system of Anaerobic biodigestion 

      Mentz, Marcia Bohrer; Wiest, Jose Maria; Goncalves, Pedro Cabral (2004) [Artigo de periódico]
      Cattle Strongyloidea egg-viability was studied in closed system of anaerobic biodigestion. Two thirds of a biodigestor were filled with liquified manure from eight Hosltein cows, nacturally infected. For 10 consecutive ...
    • Violência e desenvolvimento sustentável : o papel da universidade 

      Zottis, Graziela Aline Hartmann; Cunha, Lucas de Lima e; Krebs, Lisandra Fachinello; Algeri, Simone; Flores, Renato Zamora (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
      Este é um trabalho de natureza ensaística, resultado de reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável e a sua conexão com as ações de extensão universitárias e a violência. Discute as quatro dimensões básicas do desenvolvimento ...
    • Viral diversity in oral cavity from Sapajus nigritus by metagenomic analyses 

      Santos, Raíssa Nunes dos; Campos, Fabrício Souza; Finoketti, Fernando; Santos, Anne Caroline Ramos dos; Campos, Aline Alves Scarpellini; Wagner, Paulo Guilherme Carniel; Roehe, Paulo Michel; Batista, Helena Beatriz de Carvalho Ruthner; Franco, Ana Claudia (2020) [Artigo de periódico]
      Sapajus nigritus are non-human primates which are widespread in South America. They are omnivores and live in troops of up to 40 individuals. The oral cavity is one of the main entry routes for microorganisms, including ...
    • Viral DNA genomes in sera of farrowing sows with or without stillbirths 

      Tochetto, Caroline; Varela, Ana Paula Muterle; Lima, Diane Alves de; Loiko, Márcia Regina; Scheffer, Camila Mengue; Paim, Willian Pinto; Cerva, Cristine; Schmidt, Candice; Cibulski, Samuel Paulo; Ortiz, Lucía Cano; Callegari-Jacques, Sidia Maria; Franco, Ana Claudia; Mayer, Fabiana Quoos; Roehe, Paulo Michel (2020) [Artigo de periódico]
      A study was conducted to investigate the serum virome of sows with and without stillbirths after farrowing. Sera from sows with at least one stillbirth or with normal litters were collected immediately after farrowing. ...
    • Viroses confundíveis com febre aftosa 

      Riet-Correa, Franklin; Moojen, Valeria; Roehe, Paulo Michel; Weiblen, Rudi (1996) [Artigo de periódico]
    • Virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance of escherichia coli isolated from urinary tract of swine in southern of Brazil 

      Costa, Mateus Matiuzzi da; Drescher, Guilherme; Maboni, Franciele; Weber, Shana de Souto; Botton, Sonia; Vainstein, Marilene Henning; Schrank, Irene Silveira; Vargas, Agueda Castagna de (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
      The present study determined the molecular and resistance patterns of E. coli isolates from urinary tract of swine in Southern of Brazil. Molecular characterization of urinary vesicle samples was performed by PCR detection ...
    • Virulence factors, antimicrobial resistance, and plasmid content of Escherichia coli isolated in swine commercial farms 

      Costa, Mateus Matiuzzi da; Drescher, Guilherme; Maboni, Franciele; Weber, Shana de Souto; Schrank, Augusto; Vainstein, Marilene Henning; Schrank, Irene Silveira; Vargas, Agueda Castagna de (2010) [Artigo de periódico]
      Os fatores de virulência e a resistência aos antimicrobianos foram avaliados em Escherichia coli. Um total de 80 isolados de E. coli, sendo 64 de amostras clínicas (conteúdo intestinal e fragmentos de órgãos de leitões ...
    • Virulence profiles in Enterococcus spp. isolated from raw buffalo’s milk in south Brazil 

      Pereira, Rebeca Inhoque; Prichula, Janira; Santestevan, Naiara Aguiar; D'Azevedo, Pedro Alves; Motta, Amanda de Souza da; Frazzon, Ana Paula Guedes (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background and Objective: The buffalo milk consumption and derivatives have increased significantly in the last year due to the healthy food demand. Enterococci play a beneficial role during the maturation of some cheese ...
    • Virulência e formação de biofilme microbiano por Enterococcus faecalis isolados de swabs cloacais de frangos de corte infectados com Eimeria spp. 

      Cassenego, Ana Paula Vaz; Ellwanger, Juliana; D'Azevedo, Pedro Alves; Ribeiro, Andrea Machado Leal; Frazzon, Jeverson; Frazzon, Ana Paula Guedes (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      A dinâmica da microbiota no trato gastrointestinal (TG) de animais pode ser afetada por patógenos, tais como Eimeria spp. Os enterococos são bactérias saprófitas que colonizam o TG de mamíferos e aves. A influência sobre ...
    • Virulent T4 Acanthamoeba causing keratitis in a patient after swimming while wearing contact lenses in Southern Brazil 

      Fabres, Laura Fuhrich; Maschio, Vinicius José; Santos, Denise Leal dos; Kwitko, Sergio; Marinho, Diane Ruschel; Araujo, Bruno Schneider de; Locatelli, Claudete Inês; Rott, Marilise Brittes (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      Several strains of free-living amoebae belonging to the genus Acanthamoeba can cause a painful sight-threatening disease of the cornea known as Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK). The numbers of AK cases keep rising worldwide ...
    • Visual dysfunction of type I and VI mucopolysaccharidosis patients evaluated with visual evoked cortical potential 

      Gomes, Bruno Duarte; Souza, Givago; Viana, Gustavo Monteiro; Souza, Isabel Cristina Neves de; Feio, Patrícia do Socorro Queiroz; Schwartz, Ida Vanessa Doederlein; Marinho, Diane Ruschel; Silva Filho, Manoel da; Giugliani, Roberto; Silveira, Luiz Carlos de Lima; Silva, Luiz Carlos Santana da (2012) [Artigo de periódico]
      Purpose: To evaluate the visual system of patients suffering from type I or VI mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) by recording the visual evoked cortical potential (VECP). Methods: Two patients with MPS VI and 2 patients with MPS ...
    • Vitamin A oral supplementation induces oxidative stress and suppresses IL-10 and HSP70 in skeletal muscle of trained rats 

      Petiz, Lyvia Lintzmaier; Girardi, Carolina Saibro; Bortolin, Rafael Calixto; Kunzler, Alice; Gasparotto, Juciano; Rabelo, Thallita Kelly; Matté, Cristiane; Moreira, Jose Claudio Fonseca; Gelain, Daniel Pens (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      Exercise training intensity is the major variant that influences the relationship between exercise, redox balance, and immune response. Supplement intake is a common practice for oxidative stress prevention; the effects ...