Mostrando ítems 2969-2988 de 3081

    • Type 2 deiodinase Thr92Ala polymorphism is not associated with cognitive impairment in older adults : a cross-sectional study 

      Schwengber, Wallace Klein; Silveira, Vítor Böck; Hetzel, Guilherme Moreira; Robaina, Amanda; Ceolin, Lucieli; Camelier, Marli Teresinha Viapiana; Goemann, Iuri Martin; Dalla Corte, Roberta Rigo; Scheffel, Rafael Selbach; Mello, Renato Gorga Bandeira de; Maia, Ana Luiza Silva; Dora, José Miguel Silva (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      Background: Type 2 Deiodinase (DIO2) converts thyroxine (T4) into the active hormone triiodothyronine (T3). Thr92Ala DIO2 polymorphism has been associated with reduced conversion of T4 into T3 and central nervous system ...
    • Ultrastructural analysis of the dorsal body gland of the terrestrial snail Megalobulimus abbreviatus (Becquaert, 1948) 

      Moraes, Gabriela Duarte de; Achaval-Elena, Matilde; Dal Piva, Maria Marchand; Heuser, Maria Cristina Faccioni; Wassermann, Guillermo Federico; Zancan, Denise Maria (2010) [Artículo de periódico]
      Foi analisada a ultraestrutura da glândula reprodutiva corpo dorsal (CD) de Megalobulimus abbreviatus. Imunoistoquímica para microscopia eletrônica foi utilizada para detectar peptídeos relacionados ao tetrapeptídeo FMRFamida ...
    • Understanding Brazil’s catastrophic fires : causes, consequences and policy needed to prevent future tragedies 

      Pivello, Vânia Regina; Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães; Christianini, Alexander V.; Ribeiro, Danilo Bandini; Menezes, Luciana da Silva; Berlinck, Christian Niel; Melo, Felipe P. L.; Marengo, José A.; Tornquist, Carlos Gustavo; Tomas, Walfrido Moraes; Overbeck, Gerhard Ernst (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Brazil has experienced unprecedented wildfires in the last decade. Images ofimmense burnt areas or dead animals that failed to escape the 2020 wildfires have shocked the world. To prevent or minimize further similardisasters ...
    • Understanding the early presentation of mucopolysaccharidoses disorders : results of a systematic literature review and physician survey 

      Clarke, Lorne A.; Wijburg, Frits; Giugliani, Roberto (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      As therapies are developed for rare disorders, challenges of early diagnosis become particularly relevant. This article focuses on clinical recognition of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), a group of rare genetic diseases related ...
    • Uniparental genetic markers in South Amerindians 

      Machado, Rafael Bisso; Bortolini, Maria Cátira; Salzano, Francisco Mauro (2012) [Artículo de periódico]
      A comprehensive review of uniparental systems in South Amerindians was undertaken. Variability in the Y-chromosome haplogroups were assessed in 68 populations and 1,814 individuals whereas that of Y-STR markers was assessed ...
    • Uniparental (mtDNA, Y-chromosome) polymorphisms in French Guiana and two related populations : implications for the region's colonization 

      Mazières, Stéphane; Guitard, Evelyne; Crubézy, Eric; Dugoujon, Jean-Michel; Bortolini, Maria Cátira; Bonatto, Sandro Luis; Hutz, Mara Helena; Bois, Etienne; Tiouka, Félix; Larrouy, Georges; Salzano, Francisco Mauro (2007) [Artículo de periódico]
      Blood samples collected in four Amerindian French Guiana populations (Palikur, Emerillon, Wayampi and Kali’na) in the early 1980s were screened for selected mtDNA and Y-chromosome length polymorphisms, and sequenced for ...
    • Universal tick vaccines : candidates and remaining challenges 

      Parizi, Luis Fernando; Githaka, Naftaly Wang'ombe; Logullo, Carlos; Zhou, Jinlin; Onuma, Misao; Termignoni, Carlos; Vaz Junior, Itabajara da Silva (2023) [Artículo de periódico]
      Recent advancements in molecular biology, particularly regarding massively parallel sequencing technologies, have enabled scientists to gain more insight into the physiology of ticks. While there has been progress in ...
    • Unmet needs in countries participating in the undiagnosed diseases network international : an international survey considering national health care and economic indicators 

      Cunha-Cruz, Joana; Sciascia, Savino; Giugliani, Roberto; Taruscio, Domenica (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      Background: Patients, families, the healthcare system, and society as a whole are all significantly impacted by rare diseases (RDs). According to various classifications, there are currently up to 9,000 different rare ...
    • Unraveling oxidative stress response in the cestode parasite Echinococcus granulosus 

      Cancela, Martín; Paes, Jéssica Andrade; Moura, Hércules; Barr, John Robert; Zaha, Arnaldo; Ferreira, Henrique Bunselmeyer (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Cystic hydatid disease (CHD) is a worldwide neglected zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus. The parasite is well adapted to its host by producing protective molecules that modulate host immune response. An ...
    • Unraveling rice tolerance mechanisms against schizotetranychus oryzae mite infestation 

      Buffon, Giseli; Blasi, Édina Aparecida dos Reis; Rativa, Angie Geraldine Sierra; Lamb, Thainá Inês; Gastmann, Rodrigo; Adamski, Janete Mariza; Schwambach, Joseli; Ricachenevsky, Felipe Klein; Heringer, Angelo Schuabb; Silveira, Vanildo; Lopes, Mara Cristina Barbosa; Sperotto, Raul Antonio (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Rice is the staple food for over half of the world’s population. Infestation of Schizotetranychus oryzae (Acari: Tetranychidae) causes great losses in rice productivity. To search for rice genotypes that could better ...
    • Unravelling MADS-box gene family in Eucalyptus spp. : a starting point to an understanding of their developmental role in trees 

      Dias, Beatriz Fonseca de Oliveira; Araújo, Jean Luiz Simões; Russo, Claudia Augusta de Moraes; Margis, Rogerio; Ferreira, Márcio Alves (2005) [Artículo de periódico]
      MADS-box genes encode a family of transcription factors which control diverse developmental processes in flowering plants ranging from root to flower and fruit development. Members of the MADS-box gene family share a highly ...
    • Unravelling the transcriptome profile of the swine respiratory tract mycoplasmas 

      Siqueira, Franciele Maboni; Gerber, Alexandra Lehmkuhl; Guedes, Rafael Lucas Muniz; Almeida, Luiz Gonzaga Paula de; Schrank, Irene Silveira; Vasconcelos, Ana Tereza Ribeiro de; Zaha, Arnaldo (2014) [Artículo de periódico]
      The swine respiratory ciliary epithelium is mainly colonized by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Mycoplasma flocculare and Mycoplasma hyorhinis. While colonization by M. flocculare is virtually asymptomatic, M. hyopneumoniae and ...
    • Unrevealing Parasitic Trophic Interactions— A Molecular Approach for Fluid-Feeding Fishes 

      Bonato, Karine Orlandi; Silva, Priscilla Caroline; Malabarba, Luiz Roberto (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Fish diets have been traditionally studied through the direct visual identification of food items found in their stomachs. Stomach contents of Vandeliinae and Stegophilinae (family Trichomycteridae) parasite catfishes, ...
    • Unveiling fungal community structure along different levels of anthropic disturbance in a South American subtropical lagoon 

      Pagani, Danielle Machado; Reis, Stefânia Pereira Ventura dos; Vu, Duong; Pereira, Thairine Mendes; Tomé, Luiz Marcelo Ribeiro; Carvalho, Daniel Santana de; Rezende, Diogo Henrique Costa de; Kato, Rodrigo Bentes; García, Glen Jasper Yupanqui; Geml, József; Robert, Vicent; They, Ng Haig; Brenig, Bertram; Azevedo, Vasco Ariston de Carvalho; Scroferneker, Maria Lucia; Silva, Patrícia Valente da; Goes Neto, Aristóteles (2023) [Artículo de periódico]
      Studies of fungal communities through amplicon metagenomics in aquatic environments, particularly in freshwater ecosystems, are still relatively recent. Unfortunately, many of these water bodies are facing growing threats ...
    • Unveiling the germination requirements for Cereus hildmannianus (Cactaceae), a potential new crop from southern and southeastern Brazil 

      Becker, Rafael; Dal Ri, Leandro; Singer, Rosana Farias; Singer, Rodrigo Bustos (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum is a columnar cactus native to South and Southeast Brazil. The cultivation of this species seems justifiable for several reasons: its fruits are spineless and edible; it is not threatened with ...
    • Updated birth prevalence and relative frequency of mucopolysaccharidoses across Brazilian regions 

      Josahkian, Juliana Alves; Trapp, Franciele Barbosa; Burin, Maira Graeff; Tirelli, Kristiane Michelin; Magalhães, Ana Paula Pereira Sholz de; Sebastião, Fernanda Medeiros; Bender, Fernanda; De Mari, Jurema de Fatima; Facchin, Ana Carolina Brusius; Leistner-Segal, Sandra; Málaga, Diana Elizabeth Rojas; Giugliani, Roberto (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of lysosomal storage disorders caused by 11 enzyme deficiencies, classified into seven types. Data on the birth prevalence of each MPS type are available for only a few countries, ...
    • Updates on extratropical region climbing plant flora : news regarding a still-neglected diversity 

      Durigon, Jaqueline; Sperotto, Patrícia Steiner; Ferreira, Priscila Porto Alegre; Dettke, Greta Aline; Zachia, Renato Aquino; Farinaccio, Maria Ana; Seger, Guilherme Dubal dos Santos; Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Most studies concerning climbing plants have focused on lianas, forest ecosystems, and tropical regions. Thus, the majority of existing information is not relevant to all climbing plants (lianas and vines) or all ecoregions ...
    • A urbanização na Zona Costeira : processos locais e regionais e as transformações ambientais - o caso do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul 

      Moura, Nina Simone Vilaverde; Moran, Emilio F.; Strohaecker, Tania Marques; Kunst, Aline Vicente (2015) [Artículo de periódico]
      A urbanização ampliou a utilização dos recursos naturais do Litoral Norte do RS, comprometendo a sua qualidade ambiental e, por outro lado, possibilitou a diversificação econômica e sociocultural da região, contribuindo ...
    • Ureases display biological effects independent of enzymatic activity. Is there a connection to diseases caused by urease-producing bacteria? 

      Severo, Deiber Oliveira; Wassermann, German Enrique; Carlini, Celia Regina Ribeiro da Silva (2006) [Artículo de periódico]
      Ureases are enzymes from plants, fungi and bacteria that catalyze the hydrolysis of urea to form ammonia and carbon dioxide. While fungal and plant ureases are homo-oligomers of 90-kDa subunits, bacterial ureases are ...
    • Urinary endogenous peptides as biomarkers for prostate cancer 

      Dutra, Cristine de Souza; Schafhauser, Deborah da Cruz; Hentz, Mariana; Mayer, Nicole Raupp; Pinheiro, Raiane Medeiros; Baierle, Gabriela; Kist, Djulia Rafaella; Bullé, Danielly Joani; Donaduzzi, Rodrigo Cattelan; Bohmgahren, Marcus Falcão; Zaha, Arnaldo; Ferreira, Henrique Bunselmeyer; Possuelo, Lia Gonçalves; Monteiro, Karina Mariante (2023) [Artículo de periódico]
      Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in men worldwide; however, the main diagnostic tests available for PCa have limitations and a biopsy is required for histopathological confirmation of the ...