Can countertransference at the early stage of trauma care predict patient dropout of psychiatric treatment

Outro título
Contratransferência no atendimento inicial de vítimas de trauma pode predizer o abandono do tratamento psiquiátrico?
Objectives: To investigate the association between feelings of countertransference (CT) at the early psychiatric care provided to trauma victims and treatment outcome. Method: The Assessment of Countertransference Scale was used to access CT after the first medical appointment. Fifty psychiatric residents cared for 131 trauma victims of whom 83% were women, aged 15 to 64 years. Patients had been consecutively selected over 4 years. Were evaluated the clinical and demographic characteristics of ...
Objectives: To investigate the association between feelings of countertransference (CT) at the early psychiatric care provided to trauma victims and treatment outcome. Method: The Assessment of Countertransference Scale was used to access CT after the first medical appointment. Fifty psychiatric residents cared for 131 trauma victims of whom 83% were women, aged 15 to 64 years. Patients had been consecutively selected over 4 years. Were evaluated the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients and the correlation with the therapists’ CT feelings. Patients were followed-up during treatment to verify the association between initial CT and treatment outcome, defined as discharge and dropout. Results: The median number of appointments was 5 [4; 8], absences 1 [0; 1], and the dropout rate was 34.4%. Both groups, namely the discharge group and the dropout group, shared similar clinical and demographic characteristics. A multivariate analysis identified that patients with a reported history of childhood trauma were 61% less likely to dropout from treatment than patients with no reported history of childhood trauma (OR = 0.39, p = 0.039, CI95% 0.16‑0.95). There was no association between initial CT and treatment outcome. Conclusions: In this sample, CT in the initial care of trauma victims was not associated with treatment outcome. Further studies should assess changes in CT during treatment, and how such changes impact treatment outcome. ...
Objetivos: Investigar a associação entre contratransferência (CT) no atendimento psiquiátrico inicial de vítimas de trauma e desfechos do tratamento. Método: A contratransferência de 50 terapeutas foi avaliada através da Assessment of Countertransference Scale após o primeiro atendimento de 131 vítimas de trauma (83% mulheres, idade entre 15 e 64 anos) selecionadas consecutivamente durante 4 anos. Foram avaliadas características demográficas e clínicas dos pacientes, e investigaram-se seus corr ...
Objetivos: Investigar a associação entre contratransferência (CT) no atendimento psiquiátrico inicial de vítimas de trauma e desfechos do tratamento. Método: A contratransferência de 50 terapeutas foi avaliada através da Assessment of Countertransference Scale após o primeiro atendimento de 131 vítimas de trauma (83% mulheres, idade entre 15 e 64 anos) selecionadas consecutivamente durante 4 anos. Foram avaliadas características demográficas e clínicas dos pacientes, e investigaram-se seus correlatos com os sentimentos contratransferenciais dos terapeutas. Os pacientes foram acompanhados ao longo do tratamento para verificar a associação entre a CT e o desfecho do tratamento, operacionalizado como alta ou abandono. Resultados: A mediana de consultas realizadas foi 5 [4; 8], faltas 1 [0; 1] e taxa de abandono 34,4%. As características demográficas e clínicas dos pacientes dos grupos alta e abandono foram similares. Na análise multivariada, identificou-se que pacientes com relato de trauma na infância tiveram uma chance 61% menor de abandonar o tratamento que pacientes sem relato de trauma na infância (OR = 0,39; p = 0,039; IC 95% 0,16‑0,95). Não foi detectada associação entre sentimentos contratransferenciais iniciais com os desfechos do tratamento. Conclusões: A CT no atendimento inicial de vítimas de trauma não esteve associada ao desfecho do tratamento. Estudos futuros devem avaliar a modificação da CT ao longo do tratamento e seu impacto sobre os desfechos. ...
Contido em
Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (1967). São Paulo. Vol. 33, n. 4 (dez. 2011), p. 379-384
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