Causas de aborto bovino diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da UFRGS de 2003 a 2011

Outro título
Causes of bovine abortion diagnosed by the Sector of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in the years 2003-2011
The main causes of abortion in cattle diagnosed from January 2003 to December 2011 are described. A total of 490 fetuses from several Brazilian states were evaluated. Specific causes of abortion were found in 46.7% of the cases,and protozoan abortions, especially by Neospora caninum, were detected in 33% (162/490). Bacterial abortions corresponded to 6.3 % (31/490), followed by fungal ones to 0.8% (4/490). In two aborted fetuses (0.4 %), a co-infection with two agents could be identified. Non-i ...
The main causes of abortion in cattle diagnosed from January 2003 to December 2011 are described. A total of 490 fetuses from several Brazilian states were evaluated. Specific causes of abortion were found in 46.7% of the cases,and protozoan abortions, especially by Neospora caninum, were detected in 33% (162/490). Bacterial abortions corresponded to 6.3 % (31/490), followed by fungal ones to 0.8% (4/490). In two aborted fetuses (0.4 %), a co-infection with two agents could be identified. Non-infectious diseases could be associated with 3% of the abortions and congenital malformations with 2.6%. ...
Contido em
Pesquisa veterinária brasileira. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. V. 33, n. 2, (fev. 2013), p. 155-160
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