Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Eduardo Coutinho entre o jogo e a cena 

      Silva, Alexandre Rocha da; Diniz, Felipe Maciel Xavier (2012) [Journal article]
      Este artigo visa pensar o cinema sob a luz do jogo. Ao tomar, principalmente, as teorias de Johan Huizinga como referência, pretende-se encontrar analogias possíveis entre o conceito de jogo e o modo de pensar e fazer ...
    • A game to teach and apply design thinking for innovation 

      Kloeckner, Ana Paula; Scherer, Jonatas Ost; Ribeiro, Jose Luis Duarte (2021) [Journal article]
      Objective: Develop and apply a game to facilitate the use of design thinking for innovation. Method: The construction of the game was based upon the Constructivism Theory. The game was developed following the steps of: (i) ...