Now showing items 1-20 of 25

    • Amorphization/recrystallization of buried amorphous silicon layer induced by oxygen ion implantation 

      Souza, Joel Pereira de; Cima, Carlos Alberto; Fichtner, Paulo Fernando Papaleo; Boudinov, Henri Ivanov (2004) [Journal article]
      In this paper we discuss the structural modifications observed in a buried amorphous Si (α-Si) layer containing high oxygen concentration level (up to ~ 3 at.%) after being implanted at elevated temperature with 16O+ ions. ...
    • Carbon deposition in Si as a consequence of H and He irradiations : a systematic study 

      Mörschbächer, Marcio José; Behar, Moni (2002) [Journal article]
      In the present work we have investigated the influence of different parameters that determine the C deposition on a Si target. Among them we have studied the pressure of the irradiation chamber, the implantation fluence, ...
    • Characterization of deep level traps responsible for isolation of proton implanted GaAs 

      Boudinov, Henri Ivanov; Coelho, Artur Vicente Pfeifer; Tan, Hoe H.; Jagadish, Chenupati (2003) [Journal article]
      Deep level transient spectroscopy was employed to determine the electrical properties of defects induced in metalorganic chemical-vapor deposition grown n-type and p-type GaAs during proton bombardment. Thermal stability ...
    • Competing influence of damage buildup and lattice vibrations on ion range profiles in Si 

      Posselt, Matthias; Mäder, M.; Grötzschel, Rainer; Behar, Moni (2003) [Journal article]
      Phosphorus depth profiles in Si obtained by 140 keV implantation in the [001] axial channel direction and in a direction 7° off axis are investigated at two different doses (531013 and 5 31015 cm22) for implantation ...
    • Cu gettering in ion implanted and annealed silicon in regions before and beyond the mean projected ion range 

      Kögler, R.; Peeva, Anita; Lebedev, Andrei; Posselt, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Özelt, G.; Hutter, Herbert; Behar, Moni (2003) [Journal article]
      The strong gettering of Cu atoms in single-crystal Si implanted with 3.5 MeV P+ ions is studied after thermal treatment and Cu contamination. Cu decorates the remaining implantation damage. Three separate Cu gettering ...
    • Electrical activation of carbon in GaAs : implantation temperature effects 

      Danilov, Iuri; Souza, Joel Pereira de; Murel, A.V.; Pudenzi, Marcio Alberto Araujo (2001) [Journal article]
      Carbon was implanted into GaAs at the energy of 1 MeV with doses between 131013 and 2 31015 cm22 at temperatures of 80 K, nominal room temperature (RT), and 300 °C. A markedly higher electrical activation was obtained in ...
    • Electrical resistivity of acceptor carbon in GaAs 

      Silva, Antonio Ferreira da; Pepe, I.; Sernelius, Bo E.; Persson, C.; Ahuja, R.; Souza, Joel Pereira de; Suzuki, Yoko; Yang, Y. (2004) [Journal article]
      The electrical resistivity was investigated from room temperature down to 1.7 K for the shallow acceptor carbon in GaAs prepared by ion implantation with impurity concentrations between 1017 and 1019 cm-³. Good agreement ...
    • Electroluminescence induced by Ge nanocrystals obtained by hot ion implantation into SiO2 

      Bregolin, Felipe Lipp; Behar, Moni; Sias, Uilson Schwantz; Reboh, Shay; Lehmann, Jan; Rebohle, Lars; Skorupa, Wolfgang (2009) [Journal article]
      Commonly, electroluminescence (EL) from Ge nanocrystals (Ge NCs) has been obtained by room temperature (RT) Ge implantation into a SiO2 matrix followed by a high temperature anneal. In the present work, we have used a novel ...
    • Electron irradiation effects on the nucleation and growth of Au nanoparticles in silicon nitride membranes 

      Timm, Mariana de Mello; Fabrim, Zacarias Eduardo; Marin, Cristiane; Baptista, Daniel Lorscheitter; Fichtner, Paulo Fernando Papaleo (2017) [Journal article]
      The formation of Au nanoparticles (NPs) in Auþ ion-implanted silicon nitride thin films and membranes was investigated as a function of post-implantation thermal treatments or room temperature electron irradiation at ...
    • Ferromagnetic nanoclusters formed by Mn implantation in GaAs 

      Couto Junior, Odilon Divino Damasceno; Brasil, Maria José Santos Pompeu; Likawa, Fernando; Giles, Carlos Manuel; Adriano, C.; Bortoleto, José Roberto Ribeiro; Pudenzi, Marcio Alberto Araujo; Gutierrez, H.R.; Danilov, Iuri (2005) [Journal article]
      Ferromagnetic clusters were incorporated into GaAs samples by Mn implantation and subsequent annealing. The composition and structural properties of the Mn-based nanoclusters formed at the surface and buried into the GaAs ...
    • Formation of epitaxial [Beta]-Sn islands at the interface of SiO/sub 2/Si layers implanted with Sn ions 

      Lopes, João Marcelo Jordão; Zawislak, Fernando Claudio; Fichtner, Paulo Fernando Papaleo; Papaleo, Ricardo Meurer; Lovey, Francisco Carlos; Condó, Adriana M.; Tolley, Alfredo J. (2005) [Journal article]
      180 nm SiO2 layers on Si s100d were implanted with Sn ions producing a profile with a peak concentration of 3 at. % at the middle of the oxide. After high temperature s900–1100 °Cd annealing, an array of b-Sn islands ...
    • Formation of Ge nanoparticles in SiOxNy by ion implantation and thermal annealing 

      Mirzaei, Sahar; Kremer, Felipe; Sprouster, David J.; Araújo, Leandro Langie; Feng, Ruixing; Glover, C. J.; Ridgway, M.C. (2015) [Journal article]
      Germanium nanoparticles embedded within dielectric matrices hold much promise for applications in optoelectronic and electronic devices. Here we investigate the formation of Ge nanoparticles in amorphous SiO1.67N0.14 as a ...
    • Gemini-Phoenix infrared high-resolution abundance analysis of five giants in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6553 

      Meléndez, Jorge; Barbuy, Beatriz; Bica, Eduardo Luiz Damiani; Zoccali, Manuela; Ortolani, Sergio; Renzini, Alvio; Hill, Vanessa (2003) [Journal article]
      A detailed abundance analysis of 5 giants of the metal-rich bulge globular cluster NGC 6553 was carried out using high resolution infrared spectra in the H band, obtained at the Gemini-South 8m telescope. JK photometry ...
    • A high-energy electron scattering study of the electronic structure and elemental composition of O-implanted Ta films used for the fabrication of memristor devices 

      Vos, Maarten; Grande, Pedro Luis; Nandi, Sanjoy K.; Venkatachalam, Dinesh K.; Elliman, R. G. (2013) [Journal article]
      High-energy electron scattering is used to investigate Ta films implanted with 10 keV O ions. These films are of interest as they have been used for the fabrication of memristors. High-energy electron scattering is used ...
    • Indications of nuclear-track-guided electrons induced by fast heavy ions in insulators 

      Xiao, G.; Schiwietz, Gregor; Grande, Pedro Luis; Stolterfoht, N.; Schmoldt, A.; Grether, M.; Kohrbruck, R.; Spieler, A.; Stettner, U. (1997) [Journal article]
      We present experimental evidence for a deceleration of convoy electrons produced by 5 MeV/u ions (N⁷⁺, Ne¹⁰⁺, S¹³⁺, Ni²³⁺, and Ag³⁷⁺) during the interaction with insulator foils at normal incidence. The deceleration first ...
    • In situ electrical resistivity of thin-film beta-nial under ar irradiation at 77 k 

      Costa, Jose Antonio Trindade Borges da; Vasconcellos, Marcos Antonio Zen; Teixeira, Sergio Ribeiro; Scherer, Claudio; Baibich, Mario Norberto (1992) [Journal article]
      We report on the dose dependence of the in sítu electrical resistivity of a thin-film NiAl alloy under 120-keV-Ar-ion irradiation at 77 K. The results show two different behaviors. First, the values of resistivity increase, ...
    • Interdependence between training and magnetization reversal in granular Co-CoO exchange bias systems 

      Menéndez Dalmau, Enric; Dias, Thiago; Geshev, Julian Penkov; López-Barberá Martín, José Francisco; Nogués Sanmiquel, Josep; Steitz, Roland; Kirby, Brian J.; Borchers, Julie A.; Pereira, Lino Miguel da Costa; Vantomme, A.; Temst, Kristiaan (2014) [Journal article]
      The interdependence between training and magnetization reversal in granular Co-CoO exchange bias (EB) systems prepared byOion implantation inCo thin films is demonstrated by polarized neutron reflectometry. While high-fluence ...
    • Ion beam synthesis of cubic-SiC layer on Si(111) substrate 

      Maltez, Rogério Luis; Oliveira, Roana Melina de; Reis, Roberto Moreno Souza dos; Boudinov, Henri Ivanov (2006) [Journal article]
      We have investigated SiC layers produced by ion beam synthesis on Si (111) substrates using different procedures. Bare Si (111) and SiO2/Si (111) structures were implanted with carbon at 40 keV up to a fluence of 4 1017 ...
    • Ion implantation in β-Ga2O3 : Physics and technology 

      Nikolskaya, Alena; Okulich, Evgenia; Korolev, Dmitry; Stepanov, Anton V.; Nikolichev, Dmitry; Mikhaylov, Alexey; Tetelbaum, David; Almaev, Aleksei; Bolzan, Charles Airton; Buaczick Júnior, Antônio; Giulian, Raquel; Grande, Pedro Luis; Kumar, Ashok; Kumar, Mahesh; Gogova, Daniela (2021) [Journal article]
      Gallium oxide, and in particular its thermodynamically stable β-Ga2O3 phase, is within the most exciting materials in research and technology nowadays due to its unique properties. The very high breakdown electric field ...
    • Magnetism, magnetoresistance, and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in Na-implanted highly oriented pyrolitic graphite 

      Pires, Rafael Fernando; Pureur Neto, Paulo; Behar, Moni; Pimentel Junior, Jorge Luiz; Schaf, Jacob; Kopelevich, Y. (2012) [Journal article]
      We report on magnetization, magnetoresistance, and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations experiments in Na-implanted samples of highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG). Different ion fluences were applied so that samples with ...