• Divergent action of fluoxetine in zebrafish according to responsivity to novelty 

      Fior, Débora; Dametto, Fernanda da Silveira; Fagundes, Michele; Rosa, João Gabriel Santos; Abreu, Murilo Sander de; Koakoski, Gessi; Idalencio, Renan; Barcellos, Heloisa Helena de Alcantara; Piato, Angelo Luis Stapassoli; Barcellos, Leonardo Jose Gil (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      Here we show that the novel object recognition test can discriminate between high (HRN, neophobic) and low (LRN, neophilic) novelty responders in zebrafish populations. Especially when we observe the latency to the first ...
    • Feeding regimen modulates zebrafish behavior 

      Dametto, Fernanda da Silveira; Fior, Débora; Idalencio, Renan; Rosa, João Gabriel Santos; Fagundes, Michele; Marqueze, Alessandra; Barreto, Rodrigo E.; Piato, Angelo Luis Stapassoli; Barcellos, Leonardo Jose Gil (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      Here we show that the feeding regimen modulates zebrafish (Danio rerio) behavior. With regard to the time elapsed between feeding and behavioral evaluation, fish fed 3 h before behavioral evaluation in the novel tank test ...
    • Protein and lipid metabolism adjustments in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) during different periods of fasting and refeeding 

      Marqueze, Alessandra; Garbino, Cristina Fernandes; Trapp, Márcia; Kucharski, Luiz Carlos Rios; Fagundes, Michele; Ferreira, Daiane; Koakoski, Gessi; Rosa, João Gabriel Santos (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      The fish may experience periods of food deprivation or starvation which produce metabolic changes. In this study, adult Rhamdia quelen males were subjected to fasting periods of 1, 7, 14, and 21 days and of refeeding 2, ...
    • Psychotropic in the environment : risperidone residues affect the behavior of fish larvae 

      Kalichak, Fabiana; Idalencio, Renan; Rosa, João Gabriel Santos; Barcellos, Heloisa Helena de Alcantara; Fagundes, Michele; Piato, Angelo Luis Stapassoli; Barcellos, Leonardo Jose Gil (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      The ability to avoid and escape from predators are clearly relevant behaviors from the ecological perspective and directly interfere with the survival of organisms. Detected in the aquatic environment, risperidone can alter ...
    • Waterborne aripiprazole blunts the stress response in zebrafish 

      Barcellos, Heloisa Helena de Alcantara; Kalichak, Fabiana; Rosa, João Gabriel Santos; Oliveira, Thiago Acosta; Koakoski, Gessi; Idalencio, Renan; Abreu, Murilo Sander de; Giacomini, Ana Cristina Vendrametto Varrone; Fagundes, Michele; Variani, Cristiane; Rossini, Mainara; Piato, Angelo Luis Stapassoli; Barcellos, Leonardo Jose Gil (2016) [Artigo de periódico]
      Here we provide, at least to our knowledge, the first evidence that aripiprazole (APPZ) in the water blunts the stress response of exposed fish in a concentration ten times lower than the concentration detected in the ...