Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 23

    • Analysis of Butia odorata (Barb. Rodr.) Noblick seeds of fruits collected at three maturation stages 

      Fior, Claudimar Sidnei; Calil, Anaíse Costa; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Schwarz, Sergio Francisco (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Butia odorata (Barb. Rodr.) Noblick is a palm species that has potential for economic and environmental applications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seed viability of a B. odorata population using two methods, ...
    • Biometry and maturation of Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. seeds 

      Grzeça, Gislaine Tais; Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Tedesco, Marília; Lazarotto, Marília; Schafer, Gilmar (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      The objective of the study was to evaluate the biometry of fruits and seeds of S. punicea in order to determine the point of collection for production of seedlings of the species. The fruits of S. punicea were collected ...
    • Characterization of Eugenia uniflora accessions: a native species with great commercial potential in America 

      Guerra, Divanilde; Vasconcelos, Márlon de Castro; Souza, Paulo Vitor Dutra de; Schwarz, Sergio Francisco; Dall'Agnol, Miguel; Schifino-Wittmann, Maria Teresa (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) is a fruit species with the potential for economic exploration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability and cytological stability in 40 accessions of Surinam ...
    • Clonagem de espécime adulto de Myrcianthes pungens (Berg) Legrand através da estaquia 

      Souza, Luana dos Santos de; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Campos, Samanta Siqueira de; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei; Schwarz, Sergio Francisco (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Os frutos do guabijuzeiro Myrcianthes pungens (Berg) Legrand têm alto potencial para exploração comercial. Sua propagação por sementes apresenta desvantagens como a segregação genética e prolongado período juvenil. A ...
    • Clonal cleaning and in vitro multiplication of Angelonia integerrima Sprengel 

      Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Tedesco, Marília; Paris, Priscila; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei; Schafer, Gilmar (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      The objective of this study is to test stem apex sizes in the in vitro establishing of Angelonia integerrima in order to obtain explants without by fungi and bacteria contamination for further multiplications. The treatments ...
    • Composição florística de uma pastagem natural submetida a queima e manejos alternativos 

      Heringer, Ingrid; Jacques, Aino Victor Avila (2002) [Artículo de periódico]
      Foram estudadas, durante um ano, alternativas de manejo da pastagem natural em relação às queimadas. Os tratamentos constaram de: queima bienal durante mais de 100 anos; sem queima há 32 anos, com e sem roçada; e melhorado ...
    • Controle de invasão biológica por capim-anonni em margem viária mediante a introdução de gramíneas 

      Medeiros, Renato Borges de; Ferreira, Nadilson Roberto (2011) [Artículo de periódico]
      Objetivou-se avaliar o controle da invasão biológica por Eragrostis plana Nees (capim-anonni) em margens de rodovia com a introdução de gramíneas concorrentes associada a práticas de preparo do solo e adubação. O delineamento ...
    • Cutting from Campomanesia aurea O. Berg (Myrtaceae) : the collection time of propagules and the effects of auxin 

      Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Schafer, Gilmar; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Campomanesia aurea is a potentially ornamental native species of the Pampa Biome and its vegetative propagation may be an alternative for producing seedlings on a commercial scale. Thus, the goal of this study was to verify ...
    • Cytogenetic characterization of Angelonia integerrima Sprengel, a native species with ornamental potential 

      Tedesco, Marília; Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Krycki, Karine Cristina; Simioni, Carine; Schafer, Gilmar (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Angelonia integerrima Sprengel is a native species of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and the Southern region (Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) of Brazil, with features such as an unusual appearance and color ...
    • Efeito da salinidade no desenvolvimento inicial de mudas de Mimosa scabrella Benth 

      Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Paim, Luciana Pinto; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei; Schafer, Gilmar (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Em condições naturais, as plantas estão sujeitas a estresses que limitam seu desenvolvimento e chances de sobrevivência, como é o caso da salinidade do solo. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da salinidade no desenvolvimento ...
    • Forage potential of native ecotypes of Paspalum notatum and P. guenoarum 

      Steiner, Marcelo Gomes; Dall'Agnol, Miguel; Nabinger, Carlos; Scheffer-Basso, Simone Meredith; Weiler, Roberto Luis; Simioni, Carine; Schifino-Wittmann, Maria Teresa; Motta, Eder Alexandre Minski da (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      The Paspalum genus includes several species that are important for livestock in Rio Grande do Sul, such as P. notatum and P. guenoarum, typical of native pastures of the Pampa biome. The aim of this study was to investigate ...
    • Growth and development of dwarf butia seedlings (Butia lallemantii) : substrate and propagule size 

      Paim, Luciana Pinto; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Gonçalves, Gian Carlos; Lazarotto, Marília; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      Butia lallemantii is a palm with a cespitous habit and subterranean stems, showing asexual propagation. However, there is a lack of studies related to seedling production practices. The objective was to evaluate the growth ...
    • Nitrogen fertilization for ministrains of Campomanesia aurea O. Berg and its influence on productivity and rooting of minicuttings at different seasons of the year 

      Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei; Schafer, Gilmar (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      The objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of nitrogen doses on the ministrain of C. aurea conducted in minigarden system regarding productivity, rooting and root system quality of minicuttings at different ...
    • Occurrence of rust in Myrcianthes pungens (O. Berg) D. Legrand caused by Austropuccinia psidii in the state of Rio Grande do Sul 

      Santos, Rodrigo Areze da Silva; Schwarz, Sergio Francisco; Silva, Magnolia Aparecida Silva da; Bertolini, Edson; Andrade, Camila Cristina Lage de; Pacini, Bruna Alana Haupt (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      Guabiju tree (Myrcianthes pungens) belongs to the Myrtaceae family, with wide occurrence in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southern Brazil, demonstrates great commercial potential regarding the consumption of its fresh fruit, ...
    • Seed analysis of Lupinus albescens Hook. & Arn. 

      Paim, Luciana Pinto; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Lucchese, Julio Rieger; Freitas, Elisete Maria de; Lazarotto, Marília; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      The objective of this study was to describe the dispersion, color, size and morphological characteristics of fruits and seeds of Lupinus albescens, as well as pre-germinative treatments, aspects of luminosity and seed ...
    • Seed germination and seedling formation of Bromelia antiacantha Bertol. at different temperatures and substrates 

      Paim, Luciana Pinto; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Caumo, Monique; Alves, Luciano da Silva; Almeida, Gabriel Wathier; Rodrigues, Kétlin Fernanda; Hoehne, Lucélia; Ethur, Eduardo Miranda; Freitas, Elisete Maria de; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Bromelia antiacantha Bertol. is a native species of Brazil with food, medicinal, industrial and forest restoration potential. The objective of this study was to test different substrates and temperatures in the germination ...
    • Seed yield and quality of Paspalum notatum Flügge intraspecific hybrids 

      Souza, Cleber Henrique Lopes de; Motta, Eder Alexandre Minski da; Brunes, André Pich; Weiler, Roberto Luis; Simioni, Carine; Sampaio, Rodrigo; Rios, Esteban Fernando; Dall'Agnol, Miguel (2024) [Artículo de periódico]
      Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) is an important forage in South America and the United States because of its high palatability, resistance to trampling and grazing, and tolerance to cold, but it exhibits low seed yield ...
    • Temperature and light in seed germination of Myrceugenia myrtoides O. Berg 

      Paim, Luciana Pinto; Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Caumo, Monique; Alves, Luciano da Silva; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Myrceugenia myrtoides (Myrtaceae) is a species of tree size, occurring restricted to the state of Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil, and Uruguay, presenting ornamental potential. The interest in native species for diverse ...
    • Teores de proteína e minerais de espécies nativas, potenciais hortaliças e frutas 

      Kinupp, Valdely Ferreira; Barros, Ingrid Bergman Inchausti de (2008) [Artículo de periódico]
      A Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA), Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), apresenta uma significativa riqueza de hortaliças e frutas nativas com potencial alimentício negligenciado. Além de indicativos etnológicos sobre ...
    • The physicochemical properties of fruits and seed germination of Campomanesia aurea O. Berg 

      Emer, Aquélis Armiliato; Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Tedesco, Marília; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei; Schafer, Gilmar (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Campomanesia aurea is a potentially ornamental native fruit shrub. There are no studies on the seed germination capacity and fruit properties of the species. Therefore, the main goal of this paper was to describe the seed ...