Studies of quadrupole interactions by means of angular correlations

Measurements of the nuclear quadrupole interaction have been made for the first 5/2+ excited state of Ta181 in severa! compounds of Hf, and for the first 5/2+ excited state of Cdll1 in In metal by time-differential and by integral-combined-field angular-correlation studies. Interaction frequencies derived from the two measurements are in reasonable agreement and demonstrate the static nature of the interactions involved. Quadrupole-interaction frequencies in 106 rad/sec were determined as wE0= ...
Measurements of the nuclear quadrupole interaction have been made for the first 5/2+ excited state of Ta181 in severa! compounds of Hf, and for the first 5/2+ excited state of Cdll1 in In metal by time-differential and by integral-combined-field angular-correlation studies. Interaction frequencies derived from the two measurements are in reasonable agreement and demonstrate the static nature of the interactions involved. Quadrupole-interaction frequencies in 106 rad/sec were determined as wE0= 6 WE= (324±20), (≥600), (≥600) for Ta181 in metallic Hf, HfOCl.·8H20, and Hf02, respectively, and (39±10) for Cdm in In metal by combined interaction measurements. A fundamental frequency of wE0= (680±80) for Ta181 in HfOCb· 8H2O was determined by a differential measurement. Limitations and possibilities of the two techniques are discussed. ...
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Physical review. New York. Vol. 159, no. 2 (July 1967), p. 196-200
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