Nuclear relaxation in (nh/sub 4/)/sub 3/hff/sub 7/ studied by gamma-gamma angular correlation

Measurements of the perturbed angular correlation have been made for the first 5/2+ excited statc of Ta181 in (NH4) 3HfF7 in arder to solve a controversial question related to the structure of the complex Hf7 this compound. The results obtained suggest a structure for HfF7 and a relaxation mechamsm for the angular correlations which are consistent with each other. The relaxation constant ʎ2 was found to be ʎ=0.05 nsec-1 at room temperature. A comparison of our results wrth the different configu ...
Measurements of the perturbed angular correlation have been made for the first 5/2+ excited statc of Ta181 in (NH4) 3HfF7 in arder to solve a controversial question related to the structure of the complex Hf7 this compound. The results obtained suggest a structure for HfF7 and a relaxation mechamsm for the angular correlations which are consistent with each other. The relaxation constant ʎ2 was found to be ʎ=0.05 nsec-1 at room temperature. A comparison of our results wrth the different configurations reported m x-ray literature is made. ...
Contido em
Physical review. B, Solid state. New York. Vol. 1, no. 7 (Apr. 1970), p. 2912-2917
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