• Protocol for a randomized clinical trial : telephone-based psychoeducation and support for female informal caregivers of patients with dementia 

      Pereira, Andressa Hermes; Ferreira, Patricia; Santos, Matheus Canellas Fonseca Barbosa dos; Fagundes, Pedro Alves; Gonçalves, Ana Paula Bresolin; Rados, Dimitris Rucks Varvaki; Castilhos, Raphael Machado de; Schilling, Lucas Porcello; Chaves, Marcia Lorena Fagundes; Umpierre, Roberto Nunes; Kochhann, Renata; Schuh, Artur Francisco Schumacher (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      OBJECTIVE: The burden felt by informal caregivers of patients with dementia is a source of physical, emotional, and financial problems. Face-to-face interventions for caregivers have accessibility limitations that may ...