• Breakdown of the ponderomotive approximation as an acceleration mechanism in wave-particle nonlinear dynamics 

      Marini, Samuel; Peter, Eduardo Alcides; Oliveira, Glaucius Iahnke de; Rizzato, Felipe Barbedo (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      In the present analysis, we study the dynamics of charged particles submitted to the action of slowly modulated electromagnetic carrier waves. While the velocity of the particles remains smaller than the carrier’s ...
    • Breakfast at tiffany's : author and narrator 

      Bednarski, André (2014) [Trabalho de conclusão de graduação]
      This work intends to show how connected some characters and events in the book Breakfast at Tiffany’s are to the author’s life, Truman Capote. This work seeks to demonstrate how much of the author’s own life and experience ...
    • BreakFit na pandemia : exercícios físicos como válvula de escape para profissionais da linha de frente de um hospital universitário 

      Costa, Marcelo Silveira da; Malvezzi, Maria Luíza; Martins, Laura Luna; Guth, Nicele Miranda; Rodrigues, Rafael Vilar; Soares, Ana Claudia Seles; Cioato, Leonardo; Marcon, Emilian Rejane (2020) [Resumo publicado em evento]
    • Breakthrough analysis of continuous fixed-bed dehydration of gas streams using 4A zeolite molecular sieve 

      Carvalho, Guilherme Ribeiro de; Cappellari, Bruno; Böhmer Junior, Rubi; Trierweiler, Luciane Ferreira; Trierweiler, Jorge Otávio; Farenzena, Marcelo (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      The experimentally investigation for dehydration of gas streams in a fixed-bed adsorption column using a 4A molecular sieve was reported for the first time. Different operating conditions of the adsorption system were ...
    • Breast cancer during pregnancy : epidemiology to prognosis : a systematic review 

      Schmitz, Thalia Michele Vier; Fritscher Junior, Pedro Carlos; Kessler, Igor Luiz dos Santos; Uhlmann, Juliana da Silva; Friedrich, Eduardo Priesnitz; Peixoto, Eduarda Goldani Rodrigues; Lubianca, Jaqueline Neves (2021) [Resumo publicado em evento]
    • Breast cancer in southern Brazil : association with past dietary intake 

      Di Pietro, Patricia Faria; Medeiros, Neiva Inês; Vieira, Francilene Gracieli Kunradi; Fausto, Maria Arlene; Belló-Klein, Adriane (2007) [Artigo de periódico]
      Objective: To determine possible associations between the risk of breast cancer in Brazilian women and demographic, social and economical variables, and past dietary intake. Methods: A case-control study was conducted in ...
    • Breast carcinoma metastasis and Wolf’s isotopic response 

      Reolão, Bruna Rocha; Mora, Diego Salomón; Garcia, Michele Caroline dos Santos; Bonamigo, Renan Rangel (2022) [Artigo de periódico]
      Wolf’s isotopic phenomenon occurs when a new dermatosis appears on a site that has already healed from a previous dermatological disease of another etiology. This report describes the case of a 44-year-old female patient ...
    • Breastfeeding duration and eating behavior in early childhood : a systematic review 

      Ergang, Bárbara Cristina; Caprara, Gabriele Luiza; Machado, Mirian Benites; Moreira, Paula Ruffoni; Hagen, Martine Elisabeth Kienzle; Bernardi, Juliana Rombaldi (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Objectives: to analyze the influence of breastfeeding duration on eating behavior in children aged two to six years. Methods: this review was conducted by PRISMA guidelines. SciELO, Lilacs, Embase, and PubMed databases ...
    • Breastfeeding duration and exclusivity among early-term and full-term infants : a cohort study 

      Silva, Michele Galvão da; Mattiello, Rita; Del Ponte, Bianca; Matijasevich, Alicia; Silveira, Mariângela Freitas da; Bertoldi, Andréa Dâmaso; Domingues, Marlos R.; Barros, Fernando; Santos, Iná da Silva dos (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background: As compared to full-term infants (39–41 weeks of gestation), early-term infants (37–38 wk) are at increased risk of adverse outcomes, including shorter exclusive breastfeeding (EB) duration and continued ...
    • Breastfeeding is associated with children’s dietary diversity in Brazil 

      Bortolini, Gisele Ane; Giugliani, Elsa Regina Justo; Gubert, Muriel; Santos, Leonor Maria Pacheco (2019) [Artigo de periódico]
      The aim of this study was to describe food consumption patterns in Brazilian children aged 6-24 months and to assess differences between breastfed children who do not consume non -human milks, breastfed children who consume ...
    • Breast lipossubstitution and metabolic parameters in patients under routine mammogram screening 

      Gomes, Laís Santos Dias; Machado, Maria Elisa Soares; Guaresi, Silvia; Schmitz, Thalia Michele Vier; Maduré, Michelle Garcia; Nedel, Bárbara Limberger; Gerchman, Fernando (2021) [Resumo publicado em evento]
    • Breast milk leptin concentrations and infant anthropometric indicators in SGA versus non-SGA breastfed infants born at term 

      Brunetto, Sara; Bernardi, Juliana Rombaldi; Werlang, Isabel Cristina Ribas; Nunes, Marina; Rechenmacher, Ciliana; Marcelino, Thiago Beltram; Silva, Clecio Homrich da; Goldani, Marcelo Zubaran (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Leptin concentrations in breast milk can influence metabolic programming during the first months of life. Small for gestational age (SGA) newborns show a peculiar growth pattern after birth, which can lead to adulthood ...
    • Brechas para a produção teatral 

      Klein, Samantha (2018) [Artigo de divulgação]
      Locais como o Teatro de Câmara Túlio Piva, fechado desde 2013, e o Teatro de Arena, em processo permanente de restauração, ilustram bem a crise no setor, especialmente na capital do estado. Frente a esse panorama, companhias ...
    • Brechó, brecha, break : produção de subjetividade pelas práticas do vestir no brechó de troca 

      Soares, Helena de Barros (2016) [Dissertação]
      Traçando o cenário contemporâneo do campo da moda, de quais processos históricos se implicam na produção de modos de operar o sujeito e o desejo de acessar o consumo de roupas no chamado fast fashion, apresento condições ...
    • O brechó como estratégia para o estímulo de comportamentos sustentáveis 

      Neumann, Daniela; Carvalho, Nathalia Alborghetti; Piffero, Victória de Menezes; Pizzato, Gabriela Zubaran de Azevedo; Jacques, Jocelise Jacques de (2020) [Capítulo de livro]
      Vivemos em uma sociedade voltada para o consumo exacerbado de produtos de moda, tanto de itens novos quanto de segunda mão. Nesse cenário, os brechós surgem como uma alternativa orientada ao prolongamento da vida de produtos ...
    • Brechós virtuais e sustentabilidade: um estudo acerca dos processos comunicacionais da organização Repassa 

      Silva, Maria Alice Menezes da (2022) [Trabalho de conclusão de graduação]
      A presente monografia trata da relação entre os brechós virtuais com o conceito da sustentabilidade a partir do objeto de pesquisa Repassa. Teve como objetivo geral analisar o processo comunicacional do Brechó Repassa no ...
    • Bredemeyera Willd. e Securidaca L. (Polygalaceae) na Região Sul do Brasil 

      Ludtke, Raquel; Chies, Tatiana Teixeira de Souza; Miotto, Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
      (Bredemeyera Willd. e Securidaca L. (Polygalaceae) na Região Sul do Brasil). Na Região Sul do Brasil a família Polygalaceae está representada por quatro gêneros: Bredemeyera Willd., Monnina Ruiz & Pav., Polygala L. e ...
    • Breed and heterosis effects on reproduction and production traits of Girolando cows 

      Vieira, Maiara Taiane; Daltro, Darlene dos Santos; Cobuci, Jaime Araújo (2022) [Artigo de periódico]
      The objective of this study was to evaluate the breed and heterosis effects on reproductive traits, test-day milk yield, and 305-day milk yield in different lactations of crossbred Girolando cows. Data consisted of test-day ...
    • Breeders’ work after cultivar development - the stage of recommendation 

      Federizzi, Luiz Carlos; Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais; Pacheco, Marcelo Teixeira; Nava, Itamar Cristiano (2012) [Artigo de periódico]
      The development of new cultivars is the ultimate goal of breeding programs and is the result of many years of hard work and dedication of breeders and their teams. An important part of the process, often neglected by ...
    • Breeding systems in Echinococcus granulosus (Cestoda; Taeniidae) : selfing or outcrossing? 

      Haag, Karen Luisa; Araujo, Aldo Mellender de; Gottstein, Bruno; Siles-Lucas, M.; Thompson, R. C. A.; Zaha, Arnaldo (1999) [Artigo de periódico]
      We used the PCR±SSCP method followed by sequencing in order to assess the genetic variability of coding and noncoding parts of the genome of Echinococcus granulosus (Cestoda; Taeniidae) and to test whether or not the ...