XQuery-based application development
Nível acadêmico
This thesis evaluates XQuery as a complete solution for data storage and processing, application logic and UI. To this end, I designed and implemented a simpli ed e-Commerce Web Application entirely with XQuery. I used XTC [8], a native XML database management system, as application server. This thesis also describes necessary updates and features related to the server, extending XTC to work as application server. The extension comprises an HTTP infrastructure and XQuery functions for the appli ...
This thesis evaluates XQuery as a complete solution for data storage and processing, application logic and UI. To this end, I designed and implemented a simpli ed e-Commerce Web Application entirely with XQuery. I used XTC [8], a native XML database management system, as application server. This thesis also describes necessary updates and features related to the server, extending XTC to work as application server. The extension comprises an HTTP infrastructure and XQuery functions for the application development, not supported by the XQuery speci cation. The resulting application has shown that the use of XQuey and XML avoids the impedance mismatch between the data and the application logic and that it simpli es application development. ...
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Informática. Curso de Ciência da Computação: Ênfase em Ciência da Computação: Bacharelado.
TCC Ciência da Computação (1043)
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