• Barreiras de transferência de conhecimentos entre projetos de produtos 

      Frank, Alejandro Germán; Echeveste, Marcia Elisa Soares (2011) [Artigo de periódico]
      Existem diferentes fatores que afetam a transferência de conhecimentos (TC) entre equipes de projetos de produtos. Esses fatores são denominados barreiras de TC, pois atuam como obstáculos no processo de aprendizado entre ...
    • Comparison of machine-learning algorithms to build a predictive model for detecting undiagnosed diabetes - ELSA-Brasil : accuracy study 

      Olivera, André Rodrigues; Roesler, Valter; Iochpe, Cirano; Schmidt, Maria Inês; Vigo, Álvaro; Barreto, Sandhi Maria; Duncan, Bruce Bartholow (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease associated with a wide range of serious health complications that have a major impact on overall health. The aims here were to develop and validate predictive ...
    • Modeling the impact of child vaccination (5–11 y) on overall COVID-19 related hospitalizations and mortality in a context of omicron variant predominance and different vaccination coverage paces in Brazil 

      Müller, Gabriel Cardozo; Ferreira, Leonardo Souto; Campos, Felipe Ernesto Mesias; Borges, Marcelo Eduardo; Almeida, Gabriel Berg de; Lyra, Silas Poloni; Simon, Lorena Mendes; Bagattini, Ângela Maria; Rosa, Michelle Quarti Machado da; Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Kraenkel, Roberto André; Coutinho, Renato Mendes; Camey, Suzi Alves; Kuchenbecker, Ricardo de Souza; Toscano, Cristiana Maria (2022) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background Developing countries have experienced significant COVID-19 disease burden. With the emergence of new variants, particularly omicron, the disease burden in children has increased. When the first COVID-19 vaccine ...
    • Modelling the impact of school reopening and contact tracing strategies on Covid-19 dynamics in different epidemiologic settings in Brazil 

      Borges, Marcelo Eduardo; Ferreira, Leonardo Souto; Lyra, Silas Poloni; Bagattini, Ângela Maria; Franco, Caroline; Rosa, Michelle Quarti Machado da; Simon, Lorena Mendes; Camey, Suzi Alves; Kuchenbecker, Ricardo de Souza; Prado, Paulo Inácio de Knegt López de; Diniz Filho, Jose Alexandre Felizola; Kraenkel, Roberto Andre; Coutinho, Renato Mendes; Toscano, Cristiana Maria (2022) [Artigo de periódico]
      We simulate the impact of school reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic in three major urban centers in Brazil to identify the epidemiological indicators and the best timing for the return of in-school activities and the ...
    • Modelo hierarquizado : uma proposta de modelagem aplicada à investigação de fatores de risco para diarréia grave 

      Fuchs, Sandra Cristina Pereira Costa; Victora, Cesar Gomes; Fachel, Jandyra Maria Guimarães (1996) [Artigo de periódico]
      Os estudos epidemiológicos de doenças que acometem as crianças geralmente envolvem grande número de variáveis. As associações entre potenciais fatores de risco e doença freqüentemente são avaliadas através de modelagem ...
    • Spectro-photometric distances to stars : a general purpose Bayesian approach 

      Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Brauer, Dorothée; Anders, Friedrich; Chiappini, C.C.M.; Queiroz, Anna Bárbara de Andrade; Girardi, Leo Alberto; Rocha-Pinto, H.J.; Balbinot, Eduardo; Costa, Luiz N. da; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Schultheis, Mathias; Steinmetz, M.; Miglio, Andrea; Montalbán, Josefina; Schneider, D.P.; Beers, T.C.; Frinchaboy, P.M.; Lee, Y.S.; Zasowski, G. (2016) [Artigo de periódico]
      Context. Determining distances to individual field stars is a necessary step towards mapping Galactic structure and determining spatial variations in the chemo-dynamical properties of stellar populations in the Milky Way. ...
    • Topological hypothesis on phase transitions : the simplest case 

      Teixeira, Ana Carolina Ribeiro; Stariolo, Daniel Adrian (2004) [Artigo de periódico]
      We critically analyze the possibility of finding signatures of a phase transition by looking exclusively at static quantities of statistical systems, like, e.g., the topology of potential energy submanifolds (PES’s). This ...
    • Zero-inflated-censored Weibull and gamma regression models to estimate wild boar population dispersal distance 

      Costa, Eduardo de Freitas; Schneider, Silvana; Carlotto, Giulia Bagatini; Cabalheiro, Tainá Ferreira; Oliveira Júnior, Mauro Ribeiro de (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      The dynamics of the wild boar population has become a pressing issue not only for ecological purposes, but also for agricultural and livestock production. The data related to the wild boar dispersal distance can have a ...