• The frequency of very young galaxies in the local Universe : II. The view from SDSS spectra 

      Mamon, Gary A.; Trevisan, Marina; Thuan, Trinh Xuan; Gallazzi, Anna R.; Davé, Romeel (2020) [Artigo de periódico]
      Only a handful of galaxies in the local Universe appear to be very young. We estimate the fraction of very young galaxies (VYGs), defined as those with more than half their stellar masses formed within the last Gyr. We fit ...
    • The properties and environment of very young galaxies in the local Universe 

      Trevisan, Marina; Mamon, Gary A.; Thuan, Trinh Xuan; Ferrari, Fabricio; Pilyugin, Leonid S.; Ranjan, A. (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      In the local Universe, there are a handful of dwarf compact star-forming galaxies with extremely low oxygen abundances. It has been proposed that they are young, having formed a large fraction of their stellar mass during ...