• Observational limits on companions to g29-38 

      Kleinman, Scot James; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Clemens, J. Christopher; Bradley, Paul A.; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Provencal, Judith L.; Claver, C.F.; Watson, Todd K.; Yanagida, K.; Dixson, James S.; Wood, Matthew A.; Sullivan, Denis J.; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Moskalik, Pawel; Zola, Staszek; Pajdosz, Y.; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Bruvold, A.; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Katz, M.; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel; Barstow, Martin A.; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Hansen, Carl J.; Kawaler, Steven D. (1994) [Artigo de periódico]
      Recent interest in the variable (DAV) white dwarf G29-38 has been stirred by a tentative report of a radial velocity variation that may be due to an unseen companion. Earlier evidence for a brown dwarf in the system has ...
    • Whole Earth Telescope observations and seismological analysis of the pre-white dwarf pg 2131+066 

      Kawaler, Steven D.; O'Brien, M. Sean; Clemens, J. Christopher; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Watson, Todd K.; Yanagida, K.; Dixson, James S.; Bradley, Paul A.; Wood, Matthew A.; Sullivan, Denis J.; Kleinman, Scot James; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Moskalik, Pawel; Zola, Staszek; Pajdosz, Y.; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Bruvold, A.; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Katz, M.; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel; Barstow, Martin A.; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Provencal, Judith L.; Hansen, Carl J. (1995) [Artigo de periódico]
      As transition objects between the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and cooling white dwarfs, the PG 1159 stars are key objects for understanding the late stages of stellar evolution. The pulsations exhibited by many members ...
    • Whole Earth Telescope observations of the DAV white dwarf G226-29 

      Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Wood, Matthew A.; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Kleinman, Scot James; Bradley, Paul A.; Provencal, Judith L.; Clemens, J. Christopher; Claver, C.F.; Watson, Todd K.; Yanagida, K.; Krisciunas, K.; Marar, T.M. Krishnan; Seetha, S.; Ashoka, B.N.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Mendelson, Haim; Mazeh, Tsevi; Moskalik, Pawel; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Pajdosz, Y.; Zola, Staszek; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Emanuelsen, P.-I.; Dolez, Noël; Vauclair, Gérard; Chevreton, Michel; Fremy, J. R.; Barstow, Martin A.; Sansom, A.E.; Tweedy, R.W.; Wickramasinghe, D.T.; Ferrario, Lilia; Sullivan, Denis J.; Peet, A.J. van der; Buckley, David A.H.; Chen, A.-L. (1995) [Artigo de periódico]
      We observed G226-29 for 121 hr in 1992 February and confirm the presence of the three previously identified frequencies close to 109 s. We find no evidence of other pulsation periods down to our noise level of about 0.35 ...