• Anisotropic thermomagnetic avalanche activity in field-cooled superconducting films 

      Colauto, Fabiano; Carmo, Danusa do; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Oliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça de; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Johansen, Tom Henning (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      The electrodynamic behavior of isotropic superconducting Nb films cooled below their critical temperature in the presence of in-plane applied magnetic fields is investigated using magneto-optical imaging. A specially ...
    • Cascade dynamics of thermomagnetic avalanches in superconducting films with holes 

      Vestgården, Jørn Inge; Colauto, Fabiano; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Oliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça de; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Johansen, Tom Henning (2015) [Artigo de periódico]
      The submicrosecond dynamics of thermomagnetic avalanches in superconducting films with nonconducting holes (antidots) is considered.When such an avalanche reaches a hole, it is quickly filled with magnetic flux, and often ...
    • Crossing fields in thin films of isotropic superconductors 

      Vlasko-Vlasov, Vitalii K.; Colauto, Fabiano; Buzdin, A. A.; Carmo, Danusa do; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Oliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça de; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Rosenmann, Daniel; Kwok, Waikwong (2016) [Artigo de periódico]
      We study interactions of perpendicular and longitudinal magnetic fields in niobium films of different thickness in a wide range of temperatures below the superconducting transition temperature (TC). In 100-nm Nb film at ...
    • Enhancing the effective critical current density in a Nb superconducting thin film by cooling in an inhomogeneous magnetic field 

      Chaves, Davi Araujo Dalbuquerque; Araújo, Ítalo M. de; Carmo, Danusa do; Colauto, Fabiano; Oliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça de; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Johansen, Tom Henning; Silhanek, Alejandro; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Motta, Maycon (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      Quantitative magneto-optical imaging of a type-II superconductor thin film cooled under zero, homogeneous, and inhomogeneous applied magnetic fields indicates that the latter procedure leads to an enhancement of the screening ...
    • Limiting thermomagnetic avalanches in superconducting films by stop-holes 

      Colauto, Fabiano; Vestgården, Jørn Inge; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Oliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça de; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Johansen, Tom Henning (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      It is demonstrated that circular holes in superconducting films of Nb can arrest the propagation of thermomagnetic avalanches. The effect was found over a range of temperatures where the material is susceptible to this ...
    • Superconducting properties and electron scattering mechanisms in a Nb film with a single weak-link excavated by focused ion beam 

      Valerio-Cuadros, Marlon Ivan; Chaves, Davi Araujo Dalbuquerque; Colauto, Fabiano; Oliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça de; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Johansen, Tom Henning; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Motta, Maycon (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      Granularity is one of the main features restricting the maximum current which a superconductor can carry without losses, persisting as an important research topic when applications are concerned. To directly observe its ...