Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Formation of S0s in extreme environments : I: clues from kinematics and stellar populations 

      Coccato, Lodovico; Jaffé, Yara L.; Cortesi, Arianna; Merrifield, Michael; Johnston, Evelyn J.; Del Pino, Bruno Rodŕiguez; Haeussler, Boris; Chies-Santos, Ana Leonor; Oliveira, Claudia Lucia Mendes de; Sheen, Yun-Kyeong; Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín (2020) [Journal article]
      Despite numerous efforts, it is still unclear whether lenticular galaxies (S0s) evolve from spirals whose star formation was suppressed, or formed trough mergers or disc instabilities. In this paper we present a pilot study ...
    • Formation of S0s in extreme environments II : the star-formation histories of bulges, discs, and lenses 

      Johnston, Evelyn J.; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia; Merrifield, Michael; Haeussler, Boris; Coccato, Lodovico; Jaffé, Yara L.; Cortesi, Arianna; Chies-Santos, Ana Leonor; Rodríguez del Pino, Bruno; Sheen, Yun-Kyeong (2021) [Journal article]
      Different processes have been proposed to explain the formation of S0s, including mergers, disc instabilities, and quenched spirals. These processes are expected to dominate in different environments, and thus leave ...
    • The complex globular cluster system of the S0 galaxy NGC 4382 in the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster 

      Escudero, Carlos G.; Cortesi, Arianna; Faifer, Favio Raúl; Sesto, Leandro A.; Castelli, Analía Smith; Johnston, Evelyn J.; Reynaldi, Victoria; Chies-Santos, Ana Leonor; Salinas, Ricardo; Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín; Gonçalves, Thiago Signorini; Grossi, Marco; Oliveira, Claudia Lucia Mendes de (2022) [Journal article]
      NGC 4382 is a merger-remnant galaxy that has been classified as morphological type E2, S0, and even Sa. In this work, we performed a photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the globular cluster (GC) system of this peculiar ...
    • The metal-poor dwarf irregular galaxy candidate next to Mrk 1172 

      Lassen, Augusto Eduardo; Riffel, Rogério; Chies-Santos, Ana Leonor; Johnston, Evelyn J.; Haußler, Boris; Azevedo, Gabriel Maciel; Dutra, Daniel Ruschel; Riffel, Rogemar André (2021) [Journal article]
      In this work, we characterize the properties of the object SDSS J020536.84−081424.7, an extended nebular region with projected extension of 14 × 14 kpc2 in the line of sight of the ETG Mrk 1172, using unprecedented ...