• Incoherent magnetization rotation observed in subnanosecond time-resolving x-ray photoemission electron microscopy 

      Schneider, Claus M.; Kuksov, Andrej; Krasyuk, Alexander; Oelsner, Andreas; Neeb, Daniel; Nepijko, Sergej A.; Schönhense, Gerd; Mönch, Ingolf; Kaltofen, Rainer; Morais, Jonder; Nadaï, Celine de; Brookes, N.B. (2004) [Artículo de periódico]
      We present recent results of time-resolved x-ray photoemission electron microscopy on permalloy microstructures. The stroboscopic experiments feature a time-resolution of Dtø130 ps.We observe a strong influence of incoherent ...
    • Magnetization dynamics in nanostructures with weak/strong anisotropy 

      Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Corrêa, Marcio Assolin; Viegas, Alexandre da Cas; Bohn, Felipe; Sommer, Rubem Luis (2014) [Artículo de periódico]
      We investigate the high-frequency response of magnetization dynamics through magnetoimpedance (MI) effect in Permalloy-based multilayered thin films produced with two different non-magnetic metallic spacers: Cu and Ag. Due ...