Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Multicolor photometry of ten Seyfert 1 galaxies 

      Boris, Natalia V.; Donzelli, Carlos J.; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda; Rodriguez-Ardila, Alberto; Ferreiro, Diego L. (2002) [Journal article]
      We present new valuable BVI photometry of ten Seyfert 1 galaxies and narrow band Hα images for six of these objects. The results indicate that the distribution of the luminosity of the sample has an amplitude of almost 4 ...
    • Nuclear activity and stellar population of a sample of interacting galaxies 

      Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda; Donzelli, Carlos J.; Bonatto, Charles Jose (1999) [Journal article]
      In this paper we investigate the nuclear activity and stellar population in a sample of 27 physical galaxy pairs. Equivalent widths of absorption features are used to characterise the nuclear stellar population according ...
    • Optical spectroscopic properties of a sample of interacting galaxies 

      Donzelli, Carlos J.; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda (1997) [Journal article]
      We present spectroscopic observations of 83 galaxies from a sample of 49 pairs of optically selected interacting galaxies, most of them previously unobserved. These pairs consist of a main galaxy (component A) and a companion ...
    • Spectroscopic observations of merging galaxies 

      Donzelli, Carlos J.; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda (2000) [Journal article]
      In this paper we describe the spectroscopic and infrared properties of a sample of 25 merging galaxy pairs, selected from the catalog of Arp & Madore, and we compare them with those observed in a similar sample of interacting ...
    • The narrow-line region of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies 

      Rodriguez-Ardila, Alberto; Binette, Luc; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda; Donzelli, Carlos J. (2000) [Journal article]
      This work studies the optical emission-line properties and physical conditions of the narrow-line region (NLR) of seven narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1's) for which high signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopic observations ...
    • The O [iota] line emission in active galactic nuclei revisited 

      Rodriguez-Ardila, Alberto; Viegas, Sueli Maria Marino; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda; Prato, Lisa A.; Donzelli, Carlos J. (2002) [Journal article]
      UV, visible, and near-infrared spectroscopy is used to study the transitions of neutral oxygen leading to the emission of broad O i λ8446, λ11287, and λ1304 in active galactic nuclei. From the strength of the former two ...
    • Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of Seyfert 1 and narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies 

      Rodriguez-Ardila, Alberto; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda; Donzelli, Carlos J. (2000) [Journal article]
      This paper studies the continuum and emission-line properties of a sample composed of 16 normal Seyfert 1 and seven narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies using optical and near-IR CCD spectroscopy. The continuum emission ...