Navegação Ciências Agrárias por Assunto "Vacas leiteiras"
Resultados 1-8 de 8
An efficient shorter protocol for artificial induction of lactation in heifers
(2024) [Artigo de periódico]Protocols to artificially induce cows and heifers into lactation are effective and commercially available in Brazil. However, these protocols demand long hormonal treatments, which is debatable since little research has ... -
Correlation between liver lipidosis, body condition score variation, and hepatic analytes in dairy cows
(2022) [Artigo de periódico]Liver lipidosis is a metabolic disorder mostly observed in high yielding dairy cattle, especially during the transition period. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between hepatic lipid infiltration, ... -
Distal bone lesions diagnosed by radiographic examination in dairy cows without claudication
(2018) [Artigo de periódico]Background: During decades, dairy cows have been selected for its productive character, with the main focus on the breeding production, being submitted to constant conditions of metabolic disorders, likewise submitted to ... -
Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) treatment on follicular population and development in non-lactating dairy cows
(2019) [Artigo de periódico]The aim of this study was to evaluate the long term effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on follicle population and ovulatory follicle development in non-lactating dairy cows. Twenty-one Jersey cows were ... -
Fatores de risco associados à retenção de placenta em vacas holandesas
(2019) [Artigo de periódico]Background: Retained placenta (RP) is characterized by a failure to remove the fetal membranes within the first 12-24 h after calving. This condition appears to be related to a decrease in neutrophil activity and to the ... -
Indicadores do controle endócrino em vacas leiteiras de alta produção e sua relação com a composição do leite
(2005) [Artigo de periódico]A produção de leite é um desafio para o metabolismo energético. O controle endócrino regula a síntese e a secreção do leite, e a homeostasia da vaca leiteira. Os principais hormônios da lactação são cortisol, insulina, ... -
Milk yield and composition in dairy cows with post-partum disorders
(2021) [Artigo de periódico]This study aimed to determine the impact of different post-partum disorders on milk yield and composition. One hundred and fifteen Holstein cows from a commercial dairy farm located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in ... -
Perfil metabólico de vacas da raça Holandesa : valores de referência em rebanhos do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
(2022) [Artigo de periódico]Background: Assessing data from metabolic profile is a complex task depending on individual factors such as breed, age, sex and physiological status and environmental factors such as climate and management. Therefore, ...