Navegação Ciências Agrárias por Assunto "Kidney"
Resultados 1-3 de 3
Achados patológicos em caninos com displasia renal no sul do Brasil
(2014) [Artigo de periódico]A displasia renal resulta de um distúrbio na nefrogênese, com diferenciação anormal dos rins, podendo ser unilateral ou bilateral, e causa insuficiência renal em cães jovens. Qualquer agente agressor, incluindo vírus, pode ... -
Treatment of an atypical case of bilateral nephrolithiasis in a canine
(2020) [Artigo de periódico]Background: Less than 5% of canine uroliths are found in the kidney and ureter. The decision to remove a nephrolith is controversial and should be considered in cases of refractory infection, hematuria, presence of obstructive ... -
Ultrastructural lesions in the myocardium and kidneys of rabbits in experimental acute Amorimia exotropica poisoning.
(2016) [Artigo de periódico]Amorimia exotropica is an important plant associated with sudden death in cattle in Southern Brazil. In order to understand the mechanisms by which A. exotropica causes acute lesions in the heart and kidney of intoxicated ...