• Dermatobiosis in Panthera onca : first description and multinomial logistic regression to estimate and predict parasitism in captured wild animals 

      May Júnior, Joares Adenilson; Moreira, Renata Fagundes; Souza, Vinícius Baggio de; Almeida, Bruno Albuquerque de; Haberfeld, Mario Bührke; Sartorello, Leonardo Rodrigues; Rampim, Lilian Elaine; Fragoso, Carlos Eduardo; Soares, João Fábio (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      Dermatobia hominis is a parasite widely distributed in neotropical regions. The parasitic phase of the cycle is characterized by the formation of a subcutaneous nodule in the host, which can promote infestation by other ...
    • First record of melanism in the critically endangered Pampa cat (Leopardus munoai), an endemic species of the Pampa grasslands 

      Mazim, Fábio D.; Wagner, Paulo Guilherme Carniel; May Júnior, Joares Adenilson; Stefanello, Simone; Kuester, Paulo Francisco; Spiazzi, Daniel Alves; Fagundes, Darwin Dias; Soares, João Fábio; Oliveira, Tadeu Gomes de (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      We report the first record of a melanistic individual of the critically endangered Pampa cat (Leopardus munoai), from July 8th, 2021, at 10:45 am (coordinates 30.096288° S; 54.941139° W) in the area of the Brazilian army, ...
    • Molecular survey of hemotropic mycoplasmas in crab-eating raccoons (Procyon cancrivorus) in southern Brazil 

      Moreira, Renata Fagundes; Souza, Ugo Araújo; Souza, Viviane Kelin de; Bidone, Nathalia de Bem; May Júnior, Joares Adenilson; Souza, Vinícius Baggio de; Mendonça, Rodrigo A.; Fagundes, Darwin Dias; Lorenzo, Cíntia de; Wartchow, Bárbara Schiller; Caldart, Eloiza Teles; Soares, Aline Girotto; Alievi, Marcelo Meller; Valle, Stella de Faria; Soares, João Fábio (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Hemoplasmas are non-cultivable bacterial parasites of erythrocytes that infect domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. Their means of transmission and pathogenesis remain contentious issues and difficult to evaluate ...