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dc.contributor.authorWeiler, Roberto Luispt_BR
dc.contributor.authorDall'Agnol, Miguelpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorSimioni, Carinept_BR
dc.contributor.authorKrycki, Karine Cristinapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorDahmer, Nairpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorGuerra, Divanildept_BR
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to determine the mode of reproduction of a hybrid progeny derived from intraspecific crosses of Paspalum notatum through cytoembryological analysis and use of RAPD (random amplification of polymorphic DNA) molecular markers. Cytoembryological analysis allowed identification of the mode of reproduction of 28 plants that were selected after agronomic productivity evaluations. Of these, 19 had embryo sac morphology compatible with an apomictic mode of reproduction and nine had embryo sac morphology compatible with a sexual mode of reproduction. Meanwhile, molecular marker analysis for 194 individuals showed 54 sexual and 140 apomictic plants; of the 28 plants analyzed by the two methods, ten results (35.7%) were in disagreement. In this paper, through cytoembryological analyses, a ratio of 1:2.1 of sexual to apomictic plants was found. The BCU 243 marker showed a stable pattern of amplification, but some results differed with cytoembryological analyses, demonstrating that these analyses are more reliable when determining the mode of sexual reproduction for the plants of P. notatum. Apomictic plants characterized in this work can be tested in the field to check their agronomic value and registration as plant varieties, while the sexual plants can be used as potential parents in future crosses.en
dc.relation.ispartofRevista brasileira de zootecnia. Viçosa, MG. Vol. 46, n.3 (mar. 2017), p. 185-191pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectMelhoramento genético vegetalpt_BR
dc.subjectMolecular analysisen
dc.subjectMarcador molecularpt_BR
dc.subjectPaspalum notatumen
dc.subjectReprodução vegetalpt_BR
dc.subjectCapim brachiariapt_BR
dc.subjectPlant breedingen
dc.subjectPaspalum notatumpt_BR
dc.titleDetermination of the mode of reproduction of bahiagrass hybrids using cytoembryological analysis and molecular markerspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR


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