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dc.contributor.authorSantos, Leonardo Augusto Gonçalves dospt_BR
dc.contributor.authorMeléndez, Jorgept_BR
dc.contributor.authorBedell, Meganpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorBean, Jacob L.pt_BR
dc.contributor.authorSpina, Lorenzopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorAlves-Brito, Alanpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorDreizler, Stefanpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorRamírez, Ivánpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorAsplund, Martinpt_BR
dc.description.abstractPrevious studies on the rotation of Sun-like stars revealed that the rotational rates of young stars converge towards a well-defined evolution that follows a power-law decay. It seems, however, that some binary stars do not obey this relation, often by displaying enhanced rotational rates and activity. In the Solar Twin Planet Search program, we observed several solar twin binaries, and found a multiplicity fraction of 42 per cent ± 6 per cent in the whole sample; moreover, at least three of these binaries (HIP 19911, HIP 67620 and HIP 103983) clearly exhibit the aforementioned anomalies. We investigated the configuration of the binaries in the program, and discovered new companions for HIP 6407, HIP 54582, HIP 62039 and HIP 30037, of which the latter is orbited by a 0.06 M brown dwarf in a 1 m long orbit. We report the orbital parameters of the systems with well-sampled orbits and, in addition, the lower limits of parameters for the companions that only display a curvature in their radial velocities. For the linear trend binaries, we report an estimate of the masses of their companions when their observed separation is available, and a minimum mass otherwise.We conclude that solar twin binaries with low-mass stellar companions at moderate orbital periods do not display signs of a distinct rotational evolution when compared to single stars. We confirm that the three peculiar stars are double-lined binaries, and that their companions are polluting their spectra, which explains the observed anomalies.en
dc.relation.ispartofMonthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Oxford. Vol. 472, no. 3 (Dec. 2017), p. 3425–3436pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectBinaries: spectroscopicen
dc.subjectEstrelas binariaspt_BR
dc.subjectBinaries: visualen
dc.subjectRotacao estelarpt_BR
dc.subjectPlanetas extrasolarespt_BR
dc.subjectStars: fundamental parametersen
dc.subjectStars: rotationen
dc.subjectStars: solar-typeen
dc.titleSpectroscopic binaries in the Solar Twin Planet Search program : from substellar–mass to M dwarf companionspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR


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