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dc.contributor.authorLara, Daniela Muller dept_BR
dc.contributor.authorBresciani, Laíspt_BR
dc.contributor.authorOsterkamp, Isa Carlapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorHilgemann, Mauríciopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorEthur, Eduardo Mirandapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorJasper, Andrépt_BR
dc.contributor.authorFerrão, Marco Flôrespt_BR
dc.contributor.authorUhl, Dieterpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorStulp, Simonept_BR
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study is to evaluate the physical and chemical changes that occur on wood fragments submitted to different temperatures, verifying their influence on significant chemical characteristics in the forming process. Carbonization process in muffle associated to the techniques of Thermogravimetry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and multivariate analysis. The analyses were performed on 3 replicates for each burn temperature. The temperature of the thermal muffle process was in every 50 °C, from 200 °C to 600 °C. TGA were performed under nitrogen atmosphere, using a heating ramp from 25 °C min-1 to 995 °C. A range between 1900 to 650 cm-1 was used, with a resolution of 4 cm-1 and 64 scans. The PCA showed that it is possible to describe 95.73% of the data, grouping the samples into three main clusters. These clusters were used to build a SIMCA (Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy) model, enabling to predict with 100%. Results showed that technical associations, such as TGA, FTIR and multivariate analysis may help to characterize the natural carbonization process and, in future works, contribute to significant (paleo)environmental inferences.en
dc.relation.ispartofQuímica nova. Vol. 40, n. 8 (2017), p. 895-901pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectAnálise multivariadapt_BR
dc.titleAvaliação de fragmentos de lenhos carbonizados de araucariaceae por meio de termogravimetria e infravermelho associadas à análise multivariadapt_BR
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of carbonized araucariaceae wood fragments with thermogravimetry and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy associated to multivariate analysis en
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR

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