• Chiral bosons and improper constraints 

      Devecchi, F.P.; Girotti, Horacio Oscar (1994) [Artigo de periódico]
      We argue that a consistent quantization of the Floreanini-Jackiw model, as a constrained system, should start by recognizing the improper nature of the constraints. Then, each boundary condition defines a problem which ...
    • Degrees of symmetry in quantum field theories 

      Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Dillenburg, Darcy; Jacob, Gerhard; Liberman, Bernardo (1972) [Artigo de periódico]
      A hierarchy of possible symmetries in quantum field theory is defined, which reaches from a purely mathematical invariance to the conventional physical invariance, including the commonly discussed type of spontaneously ...
    • Estudo de um modelo mínimo para a Matéria Escura 

      Rosa, A.M. (2012) [Trabalho de conclusão de graduação]
      Fazemos uma revisãoo do modelo padrão das interações eletrofracas, devido a Glashow, Weinberg e Salam, o qual constitui a base para extensões do Modelo Padrão (MP) que incluam WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). ...
    • Quebra espontânea de simetrias em eletrodinâmica quântica 

      Liberman, Bernardo (1971) [Tese]
      Estuda-se a Eletrodinâmica Quântica realçando suas propriedades como uma teoria de operadores campo no espaço-tempo, em lugar de considerá-la apenas como uma teoria para as funções de Green como se faz usualmente. O objetivo ...
    • Renormalization and gauge invariance in quantum electrodynamics 

      Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Dillenburg, Darcy; Jacob, Gerhard (1970) [Artigo de periódico]
      The connection between the field theory and the perturbation expansion of quantum electrodynamics is studied. As a starting point the usual Lagrangian is taken but with bare electron mass and the renormalization constant ...
    • Rotating Skyrmion in 2+1 dimensions 

      Betz, Michel Emile Marcel; Rodrigues, Hercules Borges; Rodama, Takeshi (1996) [Artigo de periódico]
      The collective rotation of the Skyrmion in two-dimensional space is considered. In contradistinction to the three-dimensional case, inertial effects do not spoil the hedgehog form and can, therefore, be investigated ...
    • Scaling violation and shadowing corrections at HERA 

      Ayala Filho, Alvaro Leonardi; Gay Ducati, Maria Beatriz; Levin, E.M. (1999) [Artigo de periódico]
      We study the value of shadowing corrections (SC) in the HERA kinematic region in the Glauber{ Mueller approach. Since the Glauber{Mueller approach was proven in perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the double-logarithmic ...
    • Symmetry breaking in d-dimensional self-gravitating systems 

      Pakter, Renato; Marcos, Bruno; Levin, Yan (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      Systems with long-range interactions, such as self-gravitating clusters and magnetically confined plasmas, do not relax to the usual Boltzmann-Gibbs thermodynamic equilibrium, but become trapped in quasistationary states ...
    • The 125 GeV boson : a composite scalar? 

      Doff, A.; Luna, Emerson Gustavo de Souza; Natale, Adriano Antonio (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      Assuming that the 125 GeV particle observed at the LHC is a composite scalar and responsible for the electroweak gauge symmetry breaking, we consider the possibility that the bound state is generated by a non-Abelian gauge ...