• The color evaporation model in diffractive J/[Psi] photoproduction 

      Gay Ducati, Maria Beatriz; Mariotto, Cristiano Brenner (1999) [Artigo de periódico]
      Our goal is the study of color effects on the J/[Psi] mesons production, as well as the study of their elastic production. We use the color evaporation model CEM, where a single factor takes into account the probability ...
    • Vínculos ao histórico de formação estelar da LMC 

      Javiel, Sandro Caldeira (2003) [Dissertação]
      Apresentamos a fotometria de 6 campos estelares profundos distribuídos na Grande Nuvem de Magalhães obtidos com a Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2/Hubble Space Telescope em duas bandas fotométricas: F814W (~I) e F555W ...