Navegação por Assunto "Modelo de difracao"
Resultados 1-5 de 5
Aspects of the unitarized soft multipomeron approach in DIS and diffraction
(2002) [Artigo de periódico]We studyin detail the main features of the unitarized Regge model (CFKS), recentlyprop osed to describe the small-Q2 domain. It takes into account a two-component description with two types of unitarized contributions: one ... -
Deeply virtual Compton scattering and saturation approach
(2003) [Artigo de periódico]We investigate the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) in the color dipole approach, implementing the dipole cross section through the saturation model, which interpolates successfully between soft and hard regimes. ... -
Diffractive Higgs boson photoproduction in ultraperipheral collisions at LHC
(2010) [Artigo de periódico]A new production mechanism for the standard model Higgs boson in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC, which allows central exclusive diffractive production by double pomeron exchange in photonproton processes, is presented. ... -
Double diffractive meson production and the BFKL pomeron at e/sup +/ e/sup -/ colliders
(2006) [Artigo de periódico]In this paper we study the double diffractive vector meson production in e+ e- collisions assuming the dominance of the BFKL pomeron exchange. We consider the nonforward solution of the BFKL equation at high energy and ... -
The color evaporation model in diffractive J/[Psi] photoproduction
(1999) [Artigo de periódico]Our goal is the study of color effects on the J/[Psi] mesons production, as well as the study of their elastic production. We use the color evaporation model CEM, where a single factor takes into account the probability ...