Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • A cautionary tale : marvels brown dwarf candidate reveals itself to be a very long period, highly eccentric spectroscopic stellar binary 

      Mack, C. E.; Ge, Jian; Deshpande, Rohit; Wisniewski, J.P.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Gaudi, B. S.; Fleming, S.W.; Mahadevan, Suvrath; De Lee, Nathan M.; Eastman, Jason; Ghezzi, Luan; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Femenía Castellá, B.; Ferreira, Letícia D.; Mello, Gustavo Frederico Porto de; Crepp, Justin R.; Mata Sánchez, Daniel; Agol, Eric; Beatty, Thomas G.; Bizyaev, D.; Brewington, Howard J.; Cargile, Phillip A.; Costa, Luiz N. da; Esposito, Massimiliano; Ebelke, Garrett L.; Hebb, Leslie; Jiang, Peng; Kane, Stephen R.; Lee, Brian L.; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Paegert, Martin; Pan, K.; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Pepper, J.; Rebolo, Rafael; Roy, Arpita; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Schneider, D.P.; Simmons, Audrey E.; Siverd, Robert J.; Snedden, S.A.; Tofflemire, Benjamin M. (2013) [Journal article]
      We report the discovery of a highly eccentric, double-lined spectroscopic binary star system (TYC 3010-1494-1), comprising two solar-type stars that we had initially identified as a single star with a brown dwarf companion. ...
    • SDSS-III : massive spectroscopic surveys of the distant universe, the Milk Way, and extra-solar planetary systems 

      Eisenstein, Daniel, J.; Weinberg, D.H.; Agol, Eric; Aihara, H.; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Anderson, S.F.; Arns, James A.; Aubourg, Éric; Bailey, Stephen; Balbinot, Eduardo; Barkhouser, Robert; Beers, T.C.; Berlind, Andreas A.; Bickerton, S.J.; Bizyaev, D.; Blanton, M.R.; Bochanski, J.J.; Bolton, Adam S.; Bosman, Casey T.; Bovy, Jo; Brandt, W.N.; Breslauer, Ben; Brewington, Howard J.; Brinkmann, Jon; Brown, Peter J.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Burger, Dan; Busca, Nicolas G.; Campbell, Heather; Cargile, Phillip A.; Carithers, William C.; Carlberg, J.K.; Carr, M.A.; Chang, Liang; Chen, Yanmei; Chiappini, C.C.M.; Comparat, Johan; Connolly, Natalia; Cortes, Marina; Croft, Rupert A.C.; Cunha, Katia; Costa, Luiz N. da; Davenport, J.R.A.; Dawson, K.S.; De Lee, Nathan M.; Mello, Gustavo Frederico Porto de; De Simoni, Fernando S.; Dean, Janice; Dhital, S.; Ealet, Anne; Ebelke, Garrett L.; Edmondson, E.M.; Eiting, J.M.; Escoffier, Stephanie; Esposito, Massimiliano; Evans, M.L.; Fan, Xiaohui; Femenía Castellá, B.; Ferreira, Letícia D.; Fitzgerald, Greg; Fleming, S.W.; Font-Ribera, A.; Ford, Eric B.; Frinchaboy, P.M.; García Pérez, Ana Elia; Gaudi, B. S.; Ge, Jian; Ghezzi, Luan; Gillespie, Bruce A.; Gilmore, Gerry; Girardi, Leo Alberto; Gott, J. Richard; Gould, Andrew; Grebel, Eva K.; Gunn, James E.; Hamilton, J.C.; Harding, Paul; Harris, D.W.; Hawley, Suzanne L.; Hearty, Frederick R.; Hennawi, J.F.; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Ho, Shirley; Hogg, D.W.; Holtzman, J.A.; Honscheid, K.; Inada, Naohisa; Ivans, Inese I.; Jiang, L.; Jiang, Peng; Johnson, J.A.; Jordan, Cathy; Jordan, W.P.; Kauffmann, Guinevere; Kazin, Eyal A.; Kirkby, David; Klaene, Mark A.; Knapp, G. R.; Kneib, J.P.; Kochanek, C.S.; Koesterke, L.; Kollmeier, Juna A.; Kron, Richard G.; Lampeitl, Hubert; Lang, Dustin; Lawler, J.E.; Le Goff, Jean-Marc; Lee, B.L.; Lee, Y.S.; Leisenring, J.M.; Lin, Y.-T.; Liu, Jian; Long, Daniel C.; Loomis, Craig P.; Lucatello, Sara; Lundgren, B.; Lupton, R.H.; Ma, Bo; Ma, Zhibo; Macdonald, Nicholas; Mack, C. E.; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Majewski, Steven Raymond; Makler, Martín; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Mandelbaum, Rachel; Maraston, Claudia; Margala, D.; Maseman, P.A.; Masters, K.L.; McBride, Cameron K.; McDonald, Patrick; McGreer, Ian D.; McMahon, Richard G.; Mena Requejo, Olga; Ménard, Brice; Miralda-Escudé, J.; Morrison, H.L.; Mullally, Fergal; Muna, Demitri; Murayama, H.; Myers, A.D.; Naugle, Tracy; Fausti Neto, Angelo; Nguyen, D.C.; Nichol, Robert C.; Nidever, D.L.; O'Connell, Robert West; Ogando, Ricardo L.C.; Olmstead, Matthew D.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Padmanabhan, N.; Paegert, Martin; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Pan, K.; Pandey, Parul; Parejko, J.K.; Pâris, Isabelle; Pellegrini, Paulo Sérgio de Souza; Pepper, J.; Percival, Will J.; Petitjean, P.; Pfaffenberger, Robert; Pforr, J.; Phleps, Stefanie; Pichon, C,; Pieri, Matthew M.; Prada, F.; Price-Whelan, Adrian M.; Raddick, M. Jordan; Ramos, Beatriz H.F.; Reid, I. Neill; Reylé, Céline; Rich, J.; Richards, G.T.; Rieke, G.H.; Rieke, M.J.; Rix, H.-W.; Robin, A.C.; Rocha-Pinto, H.J.; Rockosi, C.M.; Roe, Natalie A.; Rollinde, Emmanuel; Ross, A.J.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Rossetto, Bruno M.; Sánchez, Ariel G.; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Sayres, Conor; Schiavon, Ricardo P.; Schlegel, David J.; Schlesinger, K.J.; Schmidt, Sarah. J.; Schneider, D.P.; Sellgren, K.; Bradley, Alaina C. Shelden; Sheldon, Erin; Shetrone, M.; Shu, Yiping; Silverman, J.D.; Simmerer, Jennifer; Simmons, Audrey E.; Sivarani, Thirupathi; Skrutskie, M.F.; Slosar, A.; Smee, Stephen; Smith, Verne V.; Snedden, S.A.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Steele, Oliver; Steinmetz, M.; Stockett, Mark H.; Stollberg, Todd; Strauss, Michael A.; Szalay, A.S.; Tanaka, M.; Thakar, Aniruddha; Thomas, D.; Tinker, Jeremy; Tofflemire, Benjamin M.; Tojeiro, R.; Tremonti, Christy A.; Vargas Magaña, Mariana; Verde, Licia; Vogt, N.P.; Wake, D.A.; Wan, Xiaoke; Wang, Ji; Weaver, Benjamin A.; White, M.; White, Simon D. M.; Wilson, J.C.; Wisniewski, J.P.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; Yanny, Brian; Yasuda, Naoki; Yèche, Christophe; York, Donald G.; Young, E.; Zasowski, G.; Zehavi, I.; Zhao, Bo (2011) [Journal article]
      Building on the legacy of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-I and II), SDSS-III is a program of four spectroscopic surveys on three scientific themes: dark energy and cosmological parameters, the history and structure of ...
    • SDSS-IV MaNGA : properties of galaxies with kinematically decoupled stellar and gaseous components 

      Jin, Yifei; Chen, Yanmei; Shi, Yong; Tremonti, Christy A.; Bershady, Matthew A.; Merrifield, Michael; Emsellem, Eric; Fu, Hai; Wake, D.A.; Bundy, Kevin; Lin, Lihwai; Argudo-Fernández, Maria; Huang, Song; Stark, David V.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; Bizyaev, D.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Chisholm, John P.; Guo, Qi; Hao, Lei; Hu, Jian; Li, Cheng; Li, Ran; Masters, K.L.; Malanushenko, E.; Pan, K.; Riffel, Rogemar André; Roman-Lopes, Alexandre; Simmons, Audrey E.; Thomas, D.; Wang, Lan; Westfall, Kyle B.; Yan, Renbin (2016) [Journal article]
      We study the properties of 66 galaxies with kinematically misaligned gas and stars from MaNGA survey. The fraction of kinematically misaligned galaxies varies with galaxy physical parameters, i.e. M∗, SFR and sSFR. According ...
    • SDSS-IV MaNGA : spatially resolved star formation main sequence and LI(N)ER sequence 

      Hsieh, Bauching; Lin, Lihwai; Lin, Jing Hua; Pan, Hsi An; Hsu, Chin Hao; Sánchez, Sebastián F.; Cano-Díaz, Mariana; Zhang, Kai; Yan, Renbin; Barrera-Ballesteros, Jorge; Boquien, Médéric; Riffel, Rogério; Brownstein, Joel R.; Cruz-Gonzalez, Irene; Hagen, Alex; Ibarra, H.; Pan, K.; Bizyaev, D.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Simmons, Audrey E. (2017) [Journal article]
      We present our study on the spatially resolved Hαand M*relation for 536 star-forming and 424 quiescent galaxies taken from the MaNGA survey. We show that the star formation rate surface density (SSFR), derived based on ...
    • SDSS-IV MaNGA : the impact of diffuse ionized gas on emission-line ratios, interpretation of diagnostic diagrams and gas metallicity measurements 

      Zhang, Kai; Yan, Renbin; Bundy, Kevin; Bershady, Matthew A.; Haffner, L. Matthew; Walterbos, Rene A. M.; Maiolino, Roberto; Tremonti, Christy A.; Thomas, D.; Drory, Niv; Jones, Amy P.; Belfiore, Francesco; Sánchez, Sebastián F.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Bizyaev, D.; Nitschelm, Christian; Andrews, Brett H.; Brinkmann, Jon; Brownstein, Joel R.; Cheung, Edmond; Li, Cheng; Law, David R.; Roman-Lopes, Alexandre; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Pan, K.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; Simmons, Audrey E. (2017) [Journal article]
      Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) is prevalent in star-forming galaxies. Using a sample of 365 nearly face-on star-forming galaxies observed byMapping Nearby Galaxies at APO, we demonstrate how DIG in star-forming galaxies impacts ...
    • The ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey : first spectroscopic data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey 

      Ahn, Christopher P.; Alexandroff, Rachael; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Anderson, Scott F.; Anderton, Timothy; Andrews, Brett H.; Aubourg, Éric; Bailey, Stephen; Balbinot, Eduardo; Barnes, Rory; Bautista, Julian; Beers, T.C.; Beifiori, aless; Berlind, Andreas A.; Bhardwaj, Vaishali; Bizyaev, D.; Blake, Cullen H.; Blanton, M.R.; Blomqvist, Michael C.; Bochanski, J.J.; Bolton, Adam S.; Borde, Arnaud; Bovy, Jo; Brandt, W.N.; Brinkmann, Jon; Brown, Peter J.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Bundy, Kevin; Busca, Nicolas G.; Carithers, William C.; Carnero Rosell, Aurelio; Carr, M.A.; Casetti-Dinescu, Dana I.; Chen, Yanmei; Chiappini, C.C.M.; Comparat, Johan; Connolly, Natalia; Crepp, Justin R.; Cristiani, Stefano; Croft, Rupert A.C.; Cuesta, Antonio J.; Costa, Luiz N. da; Davenport, J.R.A.; Dawson, K.S.; Putter, Roland de; De Lee, Nathan M.; Delubac, Timothée; Dhital, S.; Ealet, Anne; Ebelke, Garrett L.; Edmondson, E.M.; Eisenstein, Daniel, J.; Escoffier, Stephanie; Esposito, Massimiliano; Evans, M.L.; Fan, Xiaohui; Femenía Castellá, B.; Fernández Alvar, Emma; Ferreira, Letícia D.; Ak, Nurten Filiz; Finley, Hayley; Fleming, S.W.; Font-Ribera, A.; Frinchaboy, P.M.; García-Hernández, D. A.; García Pérez, Ana Elia; Ge, Jian; Génova Santos, R. T.; Gillespie, Bruce A.; Girardi, Leo Alberto; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Grebel, Eva K.; Gunn, James E.; Guo, Hong; Haggard, Daryl; Hamilton, J.C.; Harris, D.W.; Hawley, Suzanne L.; Hearty, Frederick R.; Ho, Shirley; Hogg, D.W.; Holtzman, J.A.; Honscheid, K.; Huehnerhoff, Joseph; Ivans, Inese I.; Ivezić, Željko; Jacobson, Heather R.; Jiang, L.; Johansson, Jonas; Johnson, J.A.; Kauffmann, Guinevere; Kirkby, David; Kirkpatrick, Jessica A.; Klaene, Mark A.; Knapp, G. R.; Kneib, J.P.; Le Goff, Jean-Marc; Leauthaud, Alexie; Lee, Khee-Gan; Lee, Y.S.; Long, Daniel C.; Loomis, Craig P.; Lucatello, Sara; Lundgren, B.; Lupton, R.H.; Ma, Bo; Ma, Zhibo; Macdonald, Nicholas; Mack, C. E.; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Majewski, Steven Raymond; Makler, Martín; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Manchado, Arturo; Mandelbaum, Rachel; Manera, Marc; Maraston, Claudia; Margala, D.; Martell, Sarah L.; McBride, Cameron K.; McGreer, Ian D.; McMahon, Richard G.; Ménard, Brice; Mészáros, S.; Miralda-Escudé, J.; Montero-Dorta, Antonio D.; Montesano, Francesco; Morrison, H.L.; Muna, Demitri; Munn, Jeffrey, A.; Murayama, H.; Myers, A.D.; Fausti Neto, Angelo; Nguyen, D.C.; Nichol, Robert C.; Nidever, D.L.; Noterdaeme, Pasquier; Nuza, Sebastián E.; Ogando, Ricardo L.C.; Olmstead, Matthew D.; Oravetz, Daniel; Owen, Russel; Padmanabhan, N.; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Pan, K.; Parejko, J.K.; Parihar, Prachi; Pâris, Isabelle; Pattarakijwanich, Petchara; Pepper, J.; Percival, Will J.; Pérez-Fournon, Ismael; Pérez-Ràfols, Ignasi; Petitjean, P.; Pforr, J.; Pieri, Matthew M.; Pinsonneault, Marc H.; Mello, Gustavo Frederico Porto de; Prada, F.; Price-Whelan, Adrian M.; Raddick, M. Jordan; Rebolo, Rafael; Rich, J.; Richards, G.T.; Robin, A.C.; Rocha-Pinto, H.J.; Rockosi, C.M.; Roe, Natalie A.; Ross, A.J.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Rossi, Graziano; Rubiño Martín, J. A.; Samushia, Lado; Sánchez Almeida, J.; Sánchez, Ariel G.; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Sayres, Conor; Schlegel, David J.; Schlesinger, K.J.; Schmidt, Sarah. J.; Schneider, D.P.; Schultheis, Mathias; Schwope, Axel D.; Scóccola, Claudia G.; Seljak, Uros; Sheldon, Erin; Shen, Yue; Shu, Yiping; Simmerer, Jennifer; Simmons, Audrey E.; Skibba, Ramin A.; Skrutskie, M.F.; Slosar, A.; Sobreira, Flávia; Sobeck, Jennifer S.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Steele, Oliver; Steinmetz, M.; Strauss, Michael A.; Streblyanska, Alina; Suzuki, Nao; Swanson, Molly E. C.; Tal, Tomer; Thakar, Aniruddha R.; Thomas, D.; Thompson, Benjamin A.; Tinker, Jeremy; Tojeiro, R.; Tremonti, Christy A.; Vargas Magaña, Mariana; Verde, Licia; Viel, Matteo; Vikas, Shailendra K.; Vogt, N.P.; Wake, D.A.; Wang, Ji; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Weinberg, D.H.; Weiner, Benjamin J.; West, Andrew A.; White, M.; Wilson, J.C.; Wisniewski, J.P.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; Yanny, Brian; Yèche, Christophe; York, Donald G.; Zamora, Olga; Zasowski, G.; Zehavi, I.; Zhao, Gong-Bo; Zheng, Zheng; Zhu, Guangtun; Zinn, Joel C. (2012) [Journal article]
      The Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) presents the first spectroscopic data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). This ninth data release (DR9) of the SDSS project includes 535,995 new galaxy spectra ...
    • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog : tenth data release 

      Pâris, Isabelle; Petitjean, P.; Aubourg, Éric; Ross, Nicholas P.; Myers, A.D.; Streblyanska, Alina; Bailey, Stephen; Hall, Patrick B.; Strauss, Michael A.; Anderson, Scott F.; Bizyaev, D.; Borde, Arnaud; Brinkmann, Jon; Bovy, Jo; Brandt, W.N.; Brewington, Howard J.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Cook, Benjamin A.; Ebelke, Garrett L.; Fan, Xiaohui; Ak, Nurten Filiz; Finley, Hayley; Font-Ribera, A.; Ge, Jian; Hamann, Fred; Ho, Shirley; Jiang, L.; Kinemuchi, Karen; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Marchante, Moses; McGreer, Ian D.; McMahon, Richard G.; Miralda-Escudé, J.; Muna, Demitri; Noterdaeme, Pasquier; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Pan, K.; Pérez-Fournon, Ismael; Pieri, Matthew M.; Riffel, Rogério; Schlegel, David J.; Schneider, D.P.; Simmons, Audrey E.; Viel, Matteo; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; Yèche, Christophe; York, Donald G. (2014) [Journal article]
      We present the Data Release 10 Quasar (DR10Q) catalog from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. The catalog includes all BOSS objects that were targeted as quasar candidates ...
    • The tenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey : first spectroscopic data from the SDSS-III Apachhe Point Observatory galactic evolution experiment 

      Ahn, Christopher P.; Alexandroff, Rachael; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Anders, Friedrich; Anderson, Scott F.; Anderton, Timothy; Andrews, Brett H.; Aubourg, Éric; Bailey, Stephen; Bastien, Fabienne A.; Bautista, Julian; Beers, T.C.; Beifiori, Alessandra; Bender, Chad Frederick; Berlind, Andreas A.; Beutler, Florian; Bhardwaj, Vaishali; Bird, Jonathan C.; Bizyaev, D.; Blake, Cullen H.; Blanton, M.R.; Blomqvist, Michael C.; Bochanski, J.J.; Bolton, Adam S.; Borde, Arnaud; Bovy, Jo; Bradley, Alaina C. Shelden; Brandt, W.N.; Brauer, Dorothée; Brinkmann, Jon; Brownstein, Joel R.; Busca, Nicolas G.; Carithers, William C.; Carlberg, J.K.; Carnero Rosell, Aurelio; Carr, M.A.; Chiappini, C.C.M.; Chojnowski, Stephen Drew; Chuang, Chia-Hsun; Comparat, Johan; Crepp, Justin R.; Cristiani, Stefano; Croft, Rupert A.C.; Cuesta, Antonio J.; Cunha, Katia; Costa, Luiz N. da; Dawson, K.S.; De Lee, Nathan M.; Dean, Janice; Delubac, Timothée; Deshpande, Rohit; Dhital, S.; Ealet, Anne; Ebelke, Garrett L.; Edmondson, E.M.; Eisenstein, Daniel, J.; Epstein, Courtney; Escoffier, Stephanie; Esposito, Massimiliano; Evans, M.L.; Fabbian, Damian; Fan, Xiaohui; Favole, Ginevra; Femenía Castellá, B.; Fernández Alvar, Emma; Feuillet, Diane; Ak, Nurten Filiz; Finley, Hayley; Fleming, S.W.; Font-Ribera, A.; Frinchaboy, P.M.; Galbraith-Frew, Jessica; García-Hernández, D. A.; García Pérez, Ana Elia; Ge, Jian; Génova Santos, R. T.; Gillespie, Bruce A.; Girardi, Leo Alberto; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Gott, J. Richard; Gunn, James E.; Guo, Hong; Halverson, Samuel; Harding, Paul; Harris, D.W.; Hasselquist, Sten; Hawley, Suzanne L.; Hayden, Michael; Hearty, Frederick R.; Herrero Davó, Artemio; Ho, Shirley; Hogg, D.W.; Holtzman, J.A.; Honscheid, K.; Huehnerhoff, Joseph; Ivans, Inese I.; Jackson, Kelly M.; Jiang, Peng; Johnson, J.A.; Kinemuchi, Karen; Kirkby, David; Klaene, Mark A.; Kneib, J.P.; Koesterke, L.; Lan, Ting-Wen; Lang, Dustin; Le Goff, Jean-Marc; Leauthaud, Alexie; Lee, Khee-Gan; Lee, Young Sun; Long, Daniel C.; Loomis, Craig P.; Lucatello, Sara; Lupton, R.H.; Ma, Bo; Mack, C. E.; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Majewski, Steven Raymond; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Manchado, Arturo; Manera, Marc; Maraston, Claudia; Margala, D.; Martell, Sarah L.; Masters, K.L.; McBride, Cameron K.; McGreer, Ian D.; McMahon, Richard G.; Ménard, Brice; Mészáros, S.; Miralda-Escudé, J.; Miyatake, Hironao; Montero-Dorta, Antonio D.; Montesano, Francesco; More, Surhud Shrikant; Morrison, H.L.; Muna, Demitri; Munn, Jeffrey, A.; Myers, A.D.; Nguyen, D.C.; Nichol, Robert C.; Nidever, D.L.; Noterdaeme, Pasquier; Nuza, Sebastián E.; O'Connell, Julia E.; O'Connell, Robert West; O'Connell, Ross; Olmstead, Matthew D.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Owen, Russel; Padmanabhan, N.; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Pan, K.; Parejko, J.K.; Parihar, Prachi; Pâris, Isabelle; Pepper, J.; Percival, Will J.; Pérez-Ràfols, Ignasi; Perottoni, Hélio Dotto; Petitjean, P.; Pieri, Matthew M.; Pinsonneault, Marc H.; Prada, F.; Price-Whelan, Adrian M.; Raddick, M. Jordan; Rahman, Mubdi; Rebolo, Rafael; Reid, Beth Ann; Richards, Jonathan C.; Riffel, Rogério; Robin, A.C.; Rocha-Pinto, H.J.; Rockosi, C.M.; Roe, Natalie A.; Ross, A.J.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Rossi, Graziano; Roy, Arpita; Rubiño Martín, J. A.; Sabiu, Cristiano Giovanni; Sánchez, Ariel G.; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Sayres, Conor; Schiavon, Ricardo P.; Schlegel, David J.; Schlesinger, K.J.; Schmidt, Sarah. J.; Schneider, D.P.; Schultheis, Mathias; Sellgren, K.; Seo, Hee-Jong; Shen, Yue; Shetrone, M.; Shu, Yiping; Simmons, Audrey E.; Skrutskie, M.F.; Slosar, A.; Smith, Verne V.; Snedden, S.A.; Sobeck, Jennifer S.; Sobreira, Flávia; Stassun, Keivan G.; Steinmetz, M.; Strauss, Michael A.; Streblyanska, Alina; Suzuki, Nao; Swanson, Molly E. C.; Terrien, Ryan C.; Thakar, Aniruddha R.; Thomas, D.; Thompson, Benjamin A.; Tinker, Jeremy; Tojeiro, R.; Troup, Nicholas W.; Vandenberg, Jan; Vargas Magaña, Mariana; Viel, Matteo; Vogt, N.P.; Wake, D.A.; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Weinberg, D.H.; Weiner, Benjamin J.; White, M.; White, Simon D. M.; Wilson, J.C.; Wisniewski, J.P.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; Yèche, Christophe; York, Donald G.; Zamora, Olga; Zasowski, G.; Zehavi, I.; Zhao, Gong-Bo; Zheng, Zheng; Zhu, Guangtun (2014) [Journal article]
      The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has been in operation since 2000 April. This paper presents the Tenth Public Data Release (DR10) from its current incarnation, SDSS-III. This data release includes the first spectroscopic ...
    • Very low mass stellar and substellar companions to solar-like stars from MARVELS. I. A low-mass ratio stellar companion to TYC 4110-01037-1 in a 79 day orbit 

      Wisniewski, J.P.; Ge, Jian; Crepp, Justin R.; De Lee, Nathan M.; Eastman, Jason; Esposito, Massimiliano; Fleming, S.W.; Gaudi, B. S.; Ghezzi, Luan; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Lee, Brian L.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Agol, Eric; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Barnes, Rory; Bizyaev, D.; Cargile, Phillip A.; Chang, Liang; Costa, Luiz N. da; Mello, Gustavo Frederico Porto de; Femenía Castellá, B.; Ferreira, Letícia D.; Gary, Bruce L.; Hebb, Leslie; Holtzman, J.A.; Liu, Jian; Ma, Bo; Mack, C. E.; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Nguyen, D.C.; Ogando, Ricardo L.C.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Paegert, Martin; Pan, K.; Pepper, J.; Rebolo, Rafael; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Schneider, D.P.; Bradley, Alaina C. Shelden; Simmons, Audrey E.; Tofflemire, Benjamin M.; Wan, Xiaoke; Wang, Ji; Zhao, Bo (2012) [Journal article]
      TYC 4110-01037-1 has a low-mass stellar companion, whose small mass ratio and short orbital period are atypical among binary systems with solar-like (Teff 6000 K) primary stars. Our analysis of TYC 4110-01037-1 reveals it ...
    • Very low mass stellar and substellar companions to solar-like stars from MARVELS. II. A short-period companios orbiting an F star with evidence of a stellar tertiary and significant mutual inclination 

      Fleming, S.W.; Jian Ge; Barnes, Rory; Beatty, Thomas G.; Crepp, Justin R.; De Lee, Nathan M.; Esposito, Massimiliano; Femenía Castellá, B.; Ferreira, Letícia D.; Gary, Bruce L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Ghezzi, Luan; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Hebb, Leslie; Jiang, Peng; Lee, Brian L.; Nelson, Ben; Mello, Gustavo Frederico Porto de; Shappee, Benjamin J.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Thompson, Todd; Tofflemire, Benjamin M.; Wisniewski, J.P.; Wood-Vasey, W.M.; Agol, Eric; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Bizyaev, D.; Brewington, Howard J.; Cargile, Phillip A.; Coban, Louis; Costello, Korena S.; Costa, Luiz N. da; Good, Melanie L.; Hua, Nelson; Kane, Stephen R.; Lander, Gary R.; Liu, Jian; Ma, Bo; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Muna, Demitri; Nguyen, D.C.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Paegert, Martin; Pan, K.; Pepper, J.; Rebolo, Rafael; Roebuck, Eric J.; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Schneider, D.P.; Bradley, Alaina C. Shelden; Simmons, Audrey E.; Sivarani, Thirupathi; Snedden, S.A.; Vincent, Chelsea L. M.; Wan, Xiaoke; Wang, Ji; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Weaver, Gwendolyn M.; Zhao, Bo (2012) [Journal article]
      We report the discovery via radial velocity (RV) measurements of a short-period (P = 2.430420±0.000006 days) companion to the F-type main-sequence star TYC 2930-00872-1. A long-term trend in the RV data also suggests the ...
    • Very-low-mass stellar and substellar companion to solar-like stars from MARVELS. III. A short-period brown dwarf cadidate around an active G0IV subgiant 

      Ma, Bo; Ge, Jian; Barnes, Rory; Crepp, Justin R.; De Lee, Nathan M.; Ferreira, Letícia D.; Esposito, Massimiliano; Femenía Castellá, B.; Fleming, S.W.; Gaudi, B. S.; Ghezzi, Luan; Hebb, Leslie; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Lee, Brian L.; Mello, Gustavo Frederico Porto de; Stassun, Keivan G.; Wang, Ji; Wisniewski, J.P.; Agol, Eric; Bizyaev, D.; Cargile, Phillip A.; Chang, Liang; Costa, Luiz N. da; Eastman, Jason; Gary, Bruce L.; Jiang, Peng; Kane, Stephen R.; Li, Rui; Liu, Jian; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Maia, Marcio Antonio Geimba; Muna, Demitri; Nguyen, D.C.; Ogando, Ricardo L.C.; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Pepper, J.; Paegert, Martin; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Rebolo, Rafael; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Schneider, D.P.; Bradley, Alaina C. Shelden; Simmons, Audrey E.; Sivarani, Thirupathi; Van Eyken, Julian C.; Wan, Xiaoke; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Zhao, Bo (2013) [Journal article]
      We present an eccentric, short-period brown dwarf candidate orbiting the active, slightly evolved subgiant star TYC 2087-00255-1, which has effective temperature Teff = 5903±42 K, surface gravity log(g) = 4.07±0.16 (cgs), ...