• Development of granular structure in Cu/sub 90/Co/sub 10/ ribbons through furnace and current annealing 

      Silva, F.C.S.; Knobel, Marcelo; Ferrari, Edson Fernando; Denardin, Juliano C.; Miranda, Marines Grande Malcum; Bracho Rodriguez, Gustavo Jesus; Antunes, Arlei Borba; Baibich, Mario Norberto (2000) [Artigo de periódico]
      On-line measurements of resistance and temperature in melt-spun Cu90Co10 ribbons are made using two different annealing techniques: conventional furnace annealing, and linearly varying current Joule heating. The aim of ...
    • Effect of irradiation temperature and ion flux on electrical isolation of GaN 

      Kucheyev, Sergei O.; Boudinov, Henri Ivanov; Williams, J.S.; Jagadish, Chenupati; Li, Gang (2002) [Artigo de periódico]
      We study the evolution of sheet resistance of n-type GaN epilayers irradiated with MeV 1H and 12C ions. Results show that both implantation temperature (varied from 77 up to 423 K) and ion beam flux affect the process of ...
    • Non-ohmic behavior of metal-insulator granular thin films in low-field regime (eDV kBT) 

      Boff, Marco Aurelio Silveira; Canto, B.; Mesquita, Fabiano; Hinrichs, Ruth; Fraga, Gilberto Luiz Ferreira; Pereira, Luis Gustavo (2016) [Artigo de periódico]
      Non-ohmic behavior is not expected in metal–insulator granular systems in a low-field regime. There is no model to explain this behavior, even though it has been reported in several metalinsulator granular thin films ...