• Low-P tolerance mechanisms and differential gene expression in contrasting wheat genotypes 

      Espindula, Laize Fraga; Minella, Euclydes; Delatorre, Carla Andrea (2009) [Artigo de periódico]
      Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar os mecanismos da tolerância à deficiência de P em genótipos de trigo contrastantes e avaliar a associação desses mecanismos à expressão diferenciada de genes. Foram avaliadas ...
    • Luminosidade e temperatura na germinação de sementes de nogueira-pecã 

      Hilgert, Marcio Alberto; Sá, Larissa Campos de; Medeiros Junior, João Jaci de; Lazarotto, Marília; Souza, Paulo Vitor Dutra de (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da luminosidade e temperatura na germinação de sementes de Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh) K. Koch. Para uniformizar o processo de embebição, as sementes foram previamente ...
    • Lung biopsy with guillotine cutting needle and biopsy forceps though transdiaphragmatic thoracoscopy in dogs with pulmonary alterations 

      Fratini, Leticia Mendes; Gomes, Cristiano; Queiroga, Luciana Branquinho; Santos, Fabiane Reginatto dos; Fantinatti, Alexandra Pinheiro; Pavarini, Saulo Petinatti; Gerardi, Daniel Guimarães; Beck, Carlos Afonso de Castro (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      Lung diseases are common in small animal clinical routine. Diagnosis is usually affected due to nonspecific symptoms. Imaging features such as radiography and chest ultrasound are acceptable screening tests, although lung ...
    • Lung lesions of slaughtered horses in southern Brazil 

      Bianchi, Matheus Viezzer; Mello, Lauren Santos de; Lorenzo, Cíntia de; Lopes, Bruna Correa; Snel, Gustavo Geraldo Medina; Driemeier, David; Pavarini, Saulo Petinatti (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      Respiratory diseases cause significant veterinary costs, reduce performance and require withdrawal of horses. Yet, studies of the causes of pneumonia in horses are scant. This study aimed to describe the pathological and ...
    • Luxação lateral de patela em um Poodle toy 

      Dal Bo, Isis dos Santos; Ferreira, Márcio Poletto; Alievi, Marcelo Meller; Silva, Luciana Machado da; Nóbrega, Fernanda Silveira; Gonzalez, Paula Cristina Sieczkowski; Beck, Carlos Afonso de Castro (2010) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background: Luxating patella is one of the most frequent conditions of the stifle joint in dogs and it can evolve into a degenerative joint disease. The occurrence of the condition can be medial or lateral, unilateral or ...
    • Lysine supplementation in late gestation of gilts : effects on piglet birth weight, and gestational and lactationanl performance 

      Magnabosco, Diogo; Bierhals, Thomas; Ribeiro, Renato Rosa; Cemin, Henrique Scher; Faccin, Jamil Elias Ghiggi; Bernardi, Mari Lourdes; Wentz, Ivo; Bortolozzo, Fernando Pandolfo (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      As exigências de lisina durante a gestação, para o ganho de reservas corporais maternas e peso ao nascer dos leitões, não estão bem estabelecidas nos genótipos contemporâneos prolífi cos. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o ...
    • Macrominerais para bovinos de corte nas pastagens nativas dos Campos de Cima da Serra-RS 

      Wunsch, Carolina; Barcellos, Julio Otavio Jardim; Prates, Enio Rosa; Costa, Eduardo Castro da; Montanholi, Yuri Regis; Brandão, Fernanda Scharnberg (2006) [Artigo de periódico]
      Em face das poucas informações disponíveis sobre a composição mineral das pastagens nativas da região dos Campos de Cima da Serra (RS), o presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou avaliar os teores dos principais macrominerais, ...
    • Macroscopia, histopatologia e bacteriologia de fígados de frangos (Gallus gallus) condenados no abate 

      Barcelos, Aleverson da Silva; Flores, Maristela Lovato; Kommers, Glaucia Denise; Nascimento, Vladimir Pinheiro do; Segabinazi, Stefanie Dickel; Antoniazzi, Tatiane; Bassan, Joana Darc Lopes (2006) [Artigo de periódico]
      Este trabalho avaliou, através da macroscopia, histopatologia e bacteriologia, fígados de frangos (Gallus gallus) condenados no abate. Cem fígados de frango foram coletados na linha de inspeção. Noventa deles tinham sido ...
    • Macrozoneamento do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul 

      Guasselli, Laurindo Antônio; Saldanha, Dejanira Luderitz; Suertegaray, Dirce Maria Antunes; Ducati, Jorge Ricardo; Fontana, Denise Cybis (2006) [Artigo de periódico]
      Earth imaging technologies using orbital platforms have allowed new approaches in the analyses, compartmentalization, and territorial visualization. These cartographic informations have many applications in agricultural, ...
    • Main causes of death in piglets from different Brazilian nursery farms based on clinical, microbiological, and pathological aspects 

      Menegatt, Jean Carlo Olivo; Perosa, Fernanda Felicetti; Gris, Anderson Hentz; Piva, Manoela Marchezan; Serena, Guilherme Carvalho; Bordignon, Diego Luiz; Reck, Carolina; Menin, Álvaro; Watanabe, Tatiane Terumi Negrão; Driemeier, David (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Necropsies can reveal herd problems or comorbidities that can lead to management corrections, improvements in animal performance, and better decision making. Furthermore, the pattern and causes of mortality might differ ...
    • Maize and soybeans production in integrated system under no-tillage with different pasture combinations and animal categories 

      Silva, Hernani Alves da; Moraes, Anibal de; Carvalho, Paulo Cesar de Faccio; Fonseca, Adriel Ferreira da; Dias, Carlos Tadeu dos Santos (2012) [Artigo de periódico]
      The adoption of no-till system (NTS) combined with crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been a strategy promoted in Brazil, aiming to maximize areas yield and increase agribusiness profitability. This study aimed to evaluate ...
    • Maize response to nitrogen fertilization timing in two tillage systems in a soil with high organic matter content 

      Sangoi, Luis; Ernani, Paulo Roberto; Silva, Paulo Regis Ferreira da (2007) [Artigo de periódico]
      No-tillage systems, associated to black oat as preceding cover crop, have been increasingly adopted. This has motivated anticipated maize nitrogen fertilization, transferring it from the side-dress system at the stage when ...
    • Maize yield and rainfall on different spatial and temporal scales in Southern Brazil 

      Bergamaschi, Homero; Wheeler, Timothy R.; Challinor, Andrew J.; Comiran, Flávia; Heckler, Bruna Maria Machado (2007) [Artigo de periódico]
      Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer relações entre rendimentos de milho e totais de chuva em diferentes escalas temporais e espaciais, com a finalidade de fornecer bases para modelagem e monitoramento de safras. ...
    • Major cardiac defects in cattle in southern Brazil : retrospective study of necropsies over 20 years (2000-2019) 

      Wronski, Julia Gabriela; Cecco, Bianca Santana de; Lorenzett, Marina Paula; Driemeier, David; Pavarini, Saulo Petinatti; Sonne, Luciana (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      Cardiac malformations are reported to be relatively rare in bovine species, with ventricular septal defects being the most common abnormality observed predominantly in young calves. This report aims to describe the cardiac ...
    • Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor as a cause of chronic cardiac insufficiency in cattle=Tumor maligno da bainha de nervo periférico como causa de insuficiência cardíaca crônica em bovinos 

      Pavarini, Saulo Petinatti; Gomes, Danilo Carloto; Bandinelli, Marcele Bettim; Wouters, Flademir; Sonne, Luciana; Driemeier, David; Cruz, Claudio Estevao Farias da (2013) [Artigo de periódico]
      Chronic cardiac insufficiency was associated with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor in a cow. An eight-year-old cow developed a progressive condition (over a period of three months) characterized by an enhanced ...
    • Malignant tumor of peripheral nerve sheath in the thoracolumbar region in a cat 

      Costa, Fernanda Vieira Amorim da; Paim, Mirela Grünwalder; Rivas, Bárbara Basseggio; Argenta, Fernando Froner; Sonne, Luciana (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Background: In veterinary medicine, peripheral nerve tumors (PNST) are classified from the cellular pattern and as benign and malignant (MPNST). The majorities of cases are benign and usually involve the skin and subcutaneous ...
    • Management of consecutive cuts in the production and quality of wintergreen paspalum seeds 

      Lopes, Rodrigo Ramos; Ost, Henrique Jaeschke; Souza, Cleber Henrique Lopes de; Franke, Lucia Brandao (2016) [Artigo de periódico]
      The objective of this study was to evaluate the practice of consecutive cuts in the production and quality of Paspalum guenoarum seeds of the “Azulão” ecotype. The experimental design used was in completely randomized ...
    • Management of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizers to reduce ammonia volatilization 

      Viero, Fernando; Bayer, Cimelio; Vieira, Renan Costa Beber; Carniel, Eduardo (2015) [Artigo de periódico]
      Nitrogen losses by ammonia (NH3) volatilization can be reduced by appropriate irrigation management or by alternative N sources, replacing urea. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of irrigation ...
    • Management strategies for lamb production on pasture-based systems in subtropical segions : a review 

      Poli, Cesar Henrique Espirito Candal; Monteiro, Alda Lúcia Gomes; Devincenzi, Thais; Albuquerque, Fernando Henrique Melo Andrade Rodrigues; Motta, Juliano Henriques; Borges, Luiza Ilha; Muir, James Pierre (2020) [Artigo de periódico]
      Sheep production on pasture plays an important role in subtropical climates around the world, with great economic and environmental relevance to those regions. However, this production is much lower than its true potential ...
    • Managing reproduction in hyperprolific sow herds 

      Bortolozzo, Fernando Pandolfo; Zanin, Gabriela Piovesan; Ulguim, Rafael da Rosa; Mellagi, Ana Paula Gonçalves (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      The rearing of large litters from hyperprolific sows is a characteristic of modern genotypes. However, these sows have body and reproductive characteristics that differentiate them from the genotypes of the past decades, ...