• Análise do rompimento hipotético da barragem de Ernestina 

      Collischonn, Walter; Tucci, Carlos Eduardo Morelli (1997) [Artigo de periódico]
      O rompimento de uma barragem é um evento que pode ocorrer devido a diferentes causas. A avaliação dos seus potenciais impactos é um processo preventivo que faz parte das ações de planejamento da Defesa Civil. Essa análise ...
    • Dam-Break analysis : proposal of a simplified approach 

      Rossi, Carlo Lucca Coutinho Ungaretti; Marques, Marcelo Giulian; Teixeira, Eder Daniel; Melo, José Falcão; Ferla, Rute; Prá, Mauricio Dai (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      Simplified methods are useful alternatives for prior analysis of the effects of dam rupture and can guide the decision-making process for carrying out more complete studies. In this context, a new simplified approach is ...
    • Dam-break due to overtopping failure: experiments in homogeneous earthfill dams 

      Ahn, Bianca dos Santos von; Manica, Rafael (2024) [Artigo de periódico]
      This work physically simulates the effect of low and high flow rates and filling times of reservoirs and rupture due to overtopping (caused by intense rains) of small homogeneous silty-sand earthfill dams. The experiments ...
    • Experiments on initial stages of development of dam-break waves 

      Espartel, Lélis; Manica, Rafael (2021) [Artigo de periódico]
      The initial stages of instantaneous dam-break waves are here evaluated spatially and temporally through 36 physical experiments. Different conditions were tested for downstream (J) and upstream (M) water depths and their ...
    • A simple model of flood peak attenuation 

      Paiva, Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de; Lima, Stefany Gonçalves (2024) [Artigo de periódico]
      A simple analytical model was developed for evaluating the attenuation of flood wave peak discharge. The physically-based model represents the flood wave along its trajectory, based on the diffusive model. Relative peak ...
    • Uncertainty assessment in hydrodynamic modeling of floods generated by dam break 

      Tschiedel, Arthur da Fontoura; Paiva, Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      The objective of the present work was to evaluate sources of uncertainty in dam break simulations for areas with contrasting characteristics: one in a narrow valley with high slopes, and another an open valley with low ...
    • Use of large-scale hydrological models to predict dam break-related impacts 

      Tschiedel, Arthur da Fontoura; Fan, Fernando Mainardi; Paiva, Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de (2020) [Artigo de periódico]
      In this research study, the MGB-IPH (acronym for Large Scale Model in Portuguese - Modelo de Grandes Bacias) was used to simulate the propagation of a dam breach hydrograph estimated from predictor equations for the Três ...