• Association of uteroglobin-related protein 1 with smoke inhalation injury severity 

      Henrich, Sabrina Frighetto; Rech, Tatiana Helena; Ritter, Cristiane; Michels, Monique; Dal Pizzol, Felipe; Friedman, Gilberto (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Objective: To evaluate serum uteroglobin-related protein 1 expression early after smoke inhalation injuries and its association with the severity of inhalation injury in burned patients. Methods: Smoke or chemical inhalation ...
    • Characterization and modulation of microglial phenotypes in an animal model of severe sepsis 

      Michels, Monique; Abatti, Mariane R.; Ávila, Pricila Romão Marcondes; Vieira, Andriele Aparecida da Silva; Borges, Heloísa de Medeiros; Carvalho Junior, Celso Carneiro; Wendhausen, Diogo Luiz; Gasparotto, Juciano; Ribeiro, Camila Tiefensee; Moreira, Jose Claudio Fonseca; Gelain, Daniel Pens; Pizzol, Felipe Dal (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      We aim to characterize the kinetics of early and late microglial phenotypes after systemic inflammation in an animal model of severe sepsis and the effects of minocycline on these phenotypes. Rats were subjected to CLP, ...