Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Canonical quantization of a two-dimensional model with anomalous breaking of gauge invariance 

      Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Rothe, Heinz J.; Rothe, Klaus D. (1986) [Journal article]
      We investigate in detail the operator quantum dynamics of a two-dimensional model exhibiting anomalous breaking of gauge invariance. The equal-time algebra is systematically obtained by using the Dirac-bracket formalism ...
    • A chiral bag model with a soft surface : structure and solutions of the fuzzy and the modified fuzzy bag model 

      Vasconcellos, Cesar Augusto Zen; Coelho, Hélio Teixeira; Pilotto, Fernando Goncalves; Bodmann, Bardo Ernst Josef; Dillig, Manfred; Razeira, Moises (1998) [Journal article]
      In the present work we propose a new bag model for hadrons, called the modi ed fuzzy bag model (MFBM). The distinguishing feature of this model is the suppression of the pion eld, as it enters the bag, by means of a scalar ...
    • Chiral bosons through linear constraints 

      Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Gomes, Marcelo; Rivelles, Victor O. (1992) [Journal article]
      We study in detail the quantization of a model which apparently describes chiral bosons. The model is based on the idea that the chiral condition could be implemented through a linear constraint. We show that the space of ...
    • Kaon-nucleon scattering in an extended cloudy bag model 

      Veit, Eliane Angela; Jennings, B.K.; Barrett, R.C.; Thomas, A.W. (1984) [Journal article]
      We describe low-energy kaon-nucleon scattering by generalizing the cloudy bag model (CBM) to SU(3) chiral symmetry. We restrict our attention to I = 0, s-wave scattering. We obtain a reasonable fit to both the Zn cross ...
    • Kn scattering in the cloudy bag model : s, p and d waves 

      Veit, Eliane Angela; Thomas, A.W.; Jennings, B.K. (1985) [Journal article]
      s-, p-, and d-wave KN phase shifts are calculated with the cloudy bag model (CBM). The results are in qualitative agreement with phase-shift analysis, except in those partial waves where exotic resonances are claimed to ...
    • Modelo de sacola quiral com superfície difusa : um estudo das propriedades dos hádrons 

      Pilotto, Fernando Goncalves (2003) [Thesis]
      o modelo de sacola difusa é um modelo hadrônico que possui aspectos tanto do modelo de sacola do MIT (conservação da energia e momentum, energia de vácuo da QCD) quanto dos modelos de potencial relativísticos (confinamento ...
    • Produção de fotinos e gluínos nas extensões supersimétricas da eletrodinâmica quântica e da cromodinâmica quântica 

      Espíndola, Danusa Bueno (2011) [Dissertation]
      Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo sobre a produção de gluínos no LHC. Os gluínos são partículas de Majorana, e sua existência é predita pelos modelos supersimétricos de física de partículas, como o MSSM. Inicialmente, ...
    • Rotating Skyrmion in 2+1 dimensions 

      Betz, Michel Emile Marcel; Rodrigues, Hercules Borges; Rodama, Takeshi (1996) [Journal article]
      The collective rotation of the Skyrmion in two-dimensional space is considered. In contradistinction to the three-dimensional case, inertial effects do not spoil the hedgehog form and can, therefore, be investigated ...
    • Saturation of the massive Schwinger model 

      Girotti, Horacio Oscar (1980) [Journal article]
      We determine the field configurations saturating the massive Schwinger model (MSM). Fermion confinement is proved, for the MSM, without invoking the Bose form of the theory. A gas of induced instantons accounts for the ...
    • S-wave meson-nucleon scattering in an su(3) cloudy bag model 

      Veit, Eliane Angela; Jennings, B.K.; Thomas, A.W.; Barrett, R.C. (1985) [Journal article]
      The cloudy bag model (CBM) is extended to incorporate chiral SU(3)XSU(3) symmetry, in order to describe 5-wave KN and KN scattering. In spite of the large mass of the kaon, the model yields reasonable results once the ...
    • The 125 GeV boson : a composite scalar? 

      Doff, A.; Luna, Emerson Gustavo de Souza; Natale, Adriano Antonio (2013) [Journal article]
      Assuming that the 125 GeV particle observed at the LHC is a composite scalar and responsible for the electroweak gauge symmetry breaking, we consider the possibility that the bound state is generated by a non-Abelian gauge ...
    • The fuzzy bag and baryonic properties with center of mass and recoil corrections 

      Pilotto, Fernando Goncalves (2003) [Journal article]
      The fuzzy bag is a hadronic model which has features both of the bag model (energy-momentum conservation, QCD vacuum energy) and of relativistic potential models (confinement achieved through a potential). It is also a ...