Range measurements and thermal stability study of az111 photoresist implanted with bi ions
The Rutherford backscattering technique has been used to determine the range parameters of Bi ions implanted into AZ111 photoresist film at energies from 10 to 400 keY. An overaU good agreement is found between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions by Biersack, Ziegler, and Littmark. It is also observed that a variation in the implantation dose does not affect the projected range and range straggling results, despite the fact that chemical modification of the implanted polyme ...
The Rutherford backscattering technique has been used to determine the range parameters of Bi ions implanted into AZ111 photoresist film at energies from 10 to 400 keY. An overaU good agreement is found between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions by Biersack, Ziegler, and Littmark. It is also observed that a variation in the implantation dose does not affect the projected range and range straggling results, despite the fact that chemical modification of the implanted polymer layer is detected. In addition, we find that a shallow implantation of the polymer film with Hi ions increases the temperature at which the photoresist starts to decompose. Finally, at 300°C the implanted Bi atoms diffuse preferentially toward the bulk. For this temperature, two different diffusion coefficients are estimated, one for the damaged region Dd = 1.2 X 10-5 cm²/s and another for the bulk Db = 1.2x 10 -14 cm²/s. ...
Contido em
Journal of applied physics. Woodbury. Vol. 63, no. 8, pt. 1 (Apr. 1988), p. 2502-2506
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