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dc.contributor.advisorDemarco, Diogo Joelpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorSchley, Rodrigo Henrique Costapt_BR
dc.description.abstractA presente monografia realiza um resgate histórico e teórico acerca da dívida pública e a sua relação com o processo de reprodução ampliada do capital a partir da crise do capitalismo regulado ou fordista na década de 1970. Partindo-se de um olhar histórico e materialista, busca-se fazer uma aproximação desde a movimentação dos fluxos de capital mundo afora, suas contradições, períodos de expansão e retração no contexto da chamada globalização financeira, passando pelos seus impactos nas economias capitalistas periférica, com especial atenção ao caso do Brasil, até a situação de crise fiscal sofrida pelo Rio Grande do Sul à partir da década de 1980. Com isso, busca-se contrapôr a ideia dominante, na literatura e na imprensa, de que a crise fiscal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul é fruto de uma sequencia de governos perdulários e irresponsáveis financeiramente, bem como da “natural ineficiência estatal”, preconizada pelas correntes liberais. Dessa forma, apresentam-se as raízes históricas e estruturais do endividamento público desde o nível global até o local, mostrando que o mesmo é fruto de escolhas políticas das classes dominantes dos países capitalistas mais avançados, em associação com as classes dominantes dos países capitalistas da periferia, num espúrio processo de privatização dos lucros e socialização dos prejuízos. Sob esse ponto de vista, o alinhamento estratégico entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos à partir do Golpe Militar de 1964, bem como as relações de dependência historicamente estabelecida entre os dois países, é uma das chaves para explicar a crise vivida pelo Brasil nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, com impactos até os dias de hoje. Se a crise do endividamento externo foi superada ao longo das últimas décadas, hoje vivemos uma outra crise, a do endividamento interno dos entes federados. Esse endividamento força esses entes subnacionais a aderirem aos programas de ajuste fiscal e às reformas no aparelho do Estado propostas pelo Governo Federal, a exemplo do Regime de Recuperação Fiscal, sob pena de não conseguirem oferecer às suas populações os serviços públicos mais básicos, como educação, saúde e segurança pública. Os resultados encontrados ao longo dessa pesquisa confirmam a relação entre o endividamento público brasileiro e gaúcho e as tendências globais de movimentação e reprodução do capital. Dessa forma, o chamado Sistema da Dívida manifesta-se como um mecanismo de captura e submissão tanto da economia brasileira quanto da economia gaúcha, sendo o Regime de Recuperação Fiscal mais um instrumento nesse sentido.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis monography brings out a historical and theoretical rescue about the public debt and its relationship with the process of expanded reproduction of capital from the crisis of regulated or Fordist capitalism in the 1970s. - to make an correspondence from the movement of capital flows around the world, its contradictions, periods of expansion and retraction in the context of the so-called financial globalization, passing through its impacts on peripheral capitalist economies, with special attention to the case of Brazil, to the situation of the revenue crisis suffered by Rio Grande do Sul from the 1980s onwards. With this, the aim is to oppose the dominant idea, in the literature and press, stating that the revenue crisis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul is the result of a sequence wasteful and financially irresponsible governments, as well as the “natural state inefficiency”, upholded by liberals. In this way, the historical and structural roots of public debt are presented, from the global to the local level, showing that it is the result of political choices of the ruling classes of the most advanced capitalist countries, in association with the ruling classes of the capitalist countries of periphery, in a spurious process of privatization of profits and socialization of losses. From this point of view, the strategic alignment between Brazil and the United States since the 1964 Military Coup, as well as the historically established dependency relationship between the two countries, is one of the keys to explaining the crisis experienced by Brazil in the decades 1980s and 1990s, with impacts to this day. If the external indebtedness crisis was overcome over the last few decades, today we are experiencing another crisis, of the internal indebtedness of subnational states. This indebtedness forces these subnational entities to adhere to tax law adjustment programs and State reforms proposed by the Federal Government, such as the Revenue Recovery Regime, under penalty of not being able to offer their population the most basic public services, such as education, health and public safety.This monography brings out a historical and theoretical rescue about the public debt and its relationship with the process of expanded reproduction of capital from the crisis of regulated or Fordist capitalism in the 1970s. - to make an correspondence from the movement of capital flows around the world, its contradictions, periods of expansion and retraction in the context of the so-called financial globalization, passing through its impacts on peripheral capitalist economies, with special attention to the case of Brazil, to the situation of the revenue crisis suffered by Rio Grande do Sul from the 1980s onwards. With this, the aim is to oppose the dominant idea, in the literature and press, stating that the revenue crisis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul is the result of a sequence wasteful and financially irresponsible governments, as well as the “natural state inefficiency”, upholded by liberals. In this way, the historical and structural roots of public debt are presented, from the global to the local level, showing that it is the result of political choices of the ruling classes of the most advanced capitalist countries, in association with the ruling classes of the capitalist countries of periphery, in a spurious process of privatization of profits andsocialization of losses. From this point of view, the strategic alignment between Brazil and the United States since the 1964 Military Coup, as well as the historically established dependency relationship between the two countries, is one of the keys to explaining the crisis experienced by Brazil in the decades 1980s and 1990s, with impacts to this day. If the external indebtedness crisis was overcome over the last few decades, today we are experiencing another crisis, of the internal indebtedness of subnational states. This indebtedness forces these subnational entities to adhere to tax law adjustment programs and State reforms proposed by the Federal Government, such as the Revenue Recovery Regime, under penalty of not being able to offer their population the most basic public services, such as education, health and public safety.en
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectDívida públicapt_BR
dc.subjectPublic debten
dc.subjectDependência econômicapt_BR
dc.subjectFinanciamento governamentalpt_BR
dc.subjectPublic funden
dc.subjectAdministração públicapt_BR
dc.subjectRio Grande do Sulpt_BR
dc.titleA dívida pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no contexto da financeirização : uma análise histórica entre a crise capitalista da década de 1970 e o regime de recuperação fiscalpt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho de conclusão de graduaçãopt_BR
dc.identifier.nrb001197858pt_BR Federal do Rio Grande do Sulpt_BR de Administraçãopt_BR Alegre, BR-RSpt_BRção: Formação em Administração Pública e Socialpt_BRçãopt_BR

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