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dc.contributor.authorWanderley, Liliane Alves dos Santospt_BR
dc.contributor.authorBergamo, Vanessa Zafanelipt_BR
dc.contributor.authorMachado, Gabriella da Rosa Montept_BR
dc.contributor.authorMendes, Rose Maria de Oliveirapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Patrícia Valente dapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorFuentefria, Alexandre Meneghellopt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe formation of microbial biofi lms in materials used in the industrial production of dairy may lead to deterioration of these foods. Yarrowia lipolytica biofi lms are widely found in dairy products and can modify the fi nal characteristics of these products. Thus, this study investigated the effectiveness of hygienization by detergents and sodium hypochlorite on the formation of Y. lipolytica biofi lms in different utensils usually employed during industrial cheese production, like polypropylene, hoses, and nylon/polyethylene. The utensils were sanitized using solutions of mild and alkaline detergents, and sodium hypochlorite, according to the cheese industry Standard Operation Procedure. Results showed that in all coupons there was biofi lm formation with Y. lipolytica isolates. The contact angle measurements were favored to promote the adhesion of the biofi lm in the evaluated surfaces. Even after treatment with sanitizers, a signifi cant survival rate of planktonic cells was observed in all coupons tested. These results indicate that Y. lipolytica biofi lms show a signifi cant ability to adhere to polypropylene, presenting an important impact on the quality of colonial cheese.en
dc.relation.ispartofAnais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. Rio de Janeiro. Vol. 92, suppl. 1, e20181379, 14 p.pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectYarrowia lipolyticaen
dc.subjectBiofilm formationen
dc.subjectColonial cheeseen
dc.subjectHigiene dos alimentospt_BR
dc.subjectMicrobiologia de alimentospt_BR
dc.subjectHipoclorito de sódiopt_BR
dc.titleInfluence of detergents and sodium hypochlorite on Yarrowia lipolytica biofilms in utensils used in industrial production of colonial cheesept_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR

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