Entre a sujeição e o domínio, vibra a posição sujeito : reverberações éticas de uma concepção do sujeito como lugar enunciativo

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Between subjection and dominance, vibrates the position of subject: ethical reverberations of a conception of the subject as a place of enunciation
Abstract in Portuguese (Brasil)
The article intends to ponder the conditions of possibility that support the emergence of the subjectplace. For that, it reflects upon the enunciative positions and upon the subject-places produced by the different social articulations established on the oral and literate forms of production, accumulation and transmission of knowledge, expanding the Freudian thesis (Freud, 1920/1974), redeveloped by Lacan (1954-1955/1987), that it is impossible to think the particular when disconnected from the ...
The article intends to ponder the conditions of possibility that support the emergence of the subjectplace. For that, it reflects upon the enunciative positions and upon the subject-places produced by the different social articulations established on the oral and literate forms of production, accumulation and transmission of knowledge, expanding the Freudian thesis (Freud, 1920/1974), redeveloped by Lacan (1954-1955/1987), that it is impossible to think the particular when disconnected from the conditions of the social lace by which it is determined. ...
Psicologia & sociedade. São Paulo, SP. Vol. 19, n. 2 (maio/ago. 2007), p. 15-24.
Journal Articles (41918)Humanities (7282)
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