Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Business value of IT capabilities: effects on processes and firm performance in a developing country 

      Oliveira, Deyvison de Lima; Maçada, Antônio Carlos Gastaud; Oliveira, Gessy Dhein (2016) [Journal article]
      Purpose –This article proposes an integrated three-stage model, which tests the impact of IT capabilities at the firm level. Design/methodology/approach – The measurement model was constructed from the following research ...
    • Effects of IFRS on accounting information quality : evidence for Brazil 

      Silva Junior, Julio Cesar Araujo da; Caldeira, João Frois; Torrent, Hudson da Silva (2017) [Journal article]
      Understanding the effects of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on accounting quality is fundamental for policy makers and financial market players in general. This paper analyzes whether the adoption ...