• Averages along uniformly distributed directions on a curve 

      Barrionuevo, Jose Afonso (1993) [Artículo de periódico]
      We obtain a sharp L2 estimate for the maximal operator associated with uniformly distributed directions on a curve of finite type in Rn.
    • Estimates for some kakeya-typemaximal operators 

      Barrionuevo, Jose Afonso (1993) [Artículo de periódico]
      We use an abstract version of a theorem of Kolmogorov-Seliverstov- Paley to obtain sharp L2 estimates for maximal operators of the form: µβ(f(x) = sup –χєsєβ 1/|S| ∫S |f(x - y)| dy. We consider the cases where β is the ...