• CHEERS results from NGC 3393 : III. Chandra x-ray spectroscopy of the narrow line region 

      Maksym, W. Peter; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Elvis, Martin; Karovska, Margarita; Paggi, Alessandro; Raymond, John Charles; Wang, Junfeng; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; Risaliti, Guido (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      We present spatially resolved Chandra narrow-band imaging and imaging spectroscopy of NGC 3393. This galaxy hosts a Compton-thick Seyfert 2 active galactic nucleus (AGN) with sub-kpc bipolar outflows that are strongly ...
    • CHEERS results from NGC 3393 : II. Investigating the extended narrow-line region using deep Chandra observations and Hubble Space Telescope narrow-line imaging 

      Maksym, W. Peter; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Elvis, Martin; Karovska, Margarita; Paggi, Alessandro; Raymond, John Charles; Wang, Junfeng; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      The CHandra Extended Emission Line Region Survey (CHEERS) is an X-ray study of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGNs) designed to take full advantage of Chandraʼs unique angular resolution by spatially resolving feedback ...
    • MaNGA 8313-1901 : gas accretion observed in a blue compact dwarf galaxy 

      Ju, Mengting; Yin, Jun; Liu, Rongrong; Hao, Lei; Shao, Zhengyi; Feng, Shuai; Riffel, Rogério; Liu, Chenxu; Stark, David V.; Shen, Shiyin; Telles, Jose Eduardo; Fernández-Trincado, José Gregorio; Wang, Junfeng; Xu, Haiguang; Bizyaev, D.; Rong, Yu (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      Gas accretion is an important process in the evolution of galaxies, but it has limited direct observational evidences. In this paper, we report the detection of a possible ongoing gas accretion event in a blue compact dwarf ...
    • Mapping Seyfert and LINER excitation modes in the inner kpc of NGC 3393 

      Maksym, W. Peter; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Elvis, Martin; Karovska, Margarita; Paggi, Alessandro; Raymond, John Charles; Wang, Junfeng; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      We mapped the extended narrowline region (ENLR) of NGC 3393 on scales of r  4 (~1 kpc) from the nucleus using emission line images of Hα λ6563, [O III]l5007, and [S II]ll6717, 6731, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope ...