• Geometrical distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans mediates flower-like biofilm development 

      Lopes, William; Vainstein, Mendeli Henning; Araújo, Glauber Ribeiro de Sousa; Frases, Susana; Staats, Charley Christian; Almeida, Rita Maria Cunha de; Schrank, Augusto; Silva, Lívia Kmetzsch Rosa e; Vainstein, Marilene Henning (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      Microbial biofilms are highly structured and dynamic communities in which phenotypic diversification allows microorganisms to adapt to different environments under distinct conditions. The environmentally ubiquitous pathogen ...
    • Microbial culture in minimal medium with oil favors enrichment of biosurfactant producing genes 

      Araujo, Wydemberg Jose de; Oliveira, Jorge Santos; Araújo, Sinara Carla da Silva; Minnicelli, Carolina Fonseca; Portela, Rita de Cássia Barreto da Silva; Fonseca, Marbella Maria Bernardes; Freitas, Júlia Firme; Barbalho, Kamilla Karla da Silva; Napp, Amanda Pasinato; Pereira, José Evandro Saraiva; Peralba, Maria do Carmo Ruaro; Passaglia, Luciane Maria Pereira; Vainstein, Marilene Henning; Lima, Lucymara Fassarella Agnez (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      The waste produced by petrochemical industries has a significant environmental impact. Biotechnological approaches offer promising alternatives for waste treatment in a sustainable and environment-friendly manner. Microbial ...
    • Nanoemulsion improves the antifungal activity of allylic thiocyanates against yeasts and filamentous pathogenic fungi 

      Dalla Lana, Daiane Flores; Giuliani, Laura Minussi; Reoleon, Jéssica Brandão; Lopes, William; Vainstein, Marilene Henning; Danielli, Letícia Jacobi; Bergamo, Vanessa Zafaneli; Pippi, Bruna; Appel, Miriam Angela Marchi; Teixeira, Mário Lettieri; Oliveira, Luis Flávio Souza de; Machado, Michel Mansur; Andrade, Saulo Fernandes de; Sá, Marcus Mandolesi; Ferreira, Misael; Munaretto, Laiéli dos Santos; Cruz, Letícia; Silveira, Gustavo Pozza; Silva, Edilma Elayne da; Fuentefria, Alexandre Meneghello (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      We report the antifungal and antichemotactic activities of a series of allylic thiocyanates with low toxicity. We also show improved antifungal activity of the most promising compound when used in a nanoemulsion (NE). The ...
    • Scanning electron microscopy and machine learning reveal heterogeneity in capsular morphotypes of the human pathogen Cryptococcus spp. 

      Lopes, William; Cruz, Giuliano Netto Flores; Rodrigues, Márcio L.; Vainstein, Mendeli Henning; Silva, Lívia Kmetzsch Rosa e; Staats, Charley Christian; Vainstein, Marilene Henning; Schrank, Augusto (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      Phenotypic heterogeneity is an important trait for the development and survival of many microorganisms including the yeast Cryptococcus spp., a deadly pathogen spread worldwide. Here, we have applied scanning electron ...
    • Transcriptomic analysis reveals that mTOR pathway can be modulated in macrophage cells by the presence of cryptococcal cells 

      Piffer, Alicia Corbellini; Santos, Francine Melise dos; Thomé, Marcos Paulo; Rosa, Camila Diehl da; Garcia, Ane Wichine Acosta; Kinskovski, Uriel Perin; Schneider, Rafael de Oliveira; Gerber, Alexandra Lehmkuhl; Feltes, Bruno César; Schrank, Augusto; Vasconcelos, Ana Tereza Ribeiro de; Lenz, Guido; Silva, Lívia Kmetzsch Rosa e; Vainstein, Marilene Henning; Staats, Charley Christian (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii are the etiological agents of cryptococcosis, a high mortality disease. The development of such disease depends on the interaction of fungal cells with macrophages, in which ...