• Lorentz symmetry breaking in the noncommutative Wess-Zumino model : one loop corrections 

      Ferrari, Alysson Fábio; Gomes, Marcelo; Girotti, Horacio Oscar (2006) [Artículo de periódico]
      In this paper we deal with the issue of Lorentz symmetry breaking in quantum field theories formulated in a noncommutative space-time. We show that, unlike in some recent analysis of quantum gravity effects, supersymmetry ...
    • On the consistency of the three-dimensional noncommutative supersymmetric Yang-Mlls theory 

      Ferrari, Alysson Fábio; Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Gomes, Marcelo; Petrov, Albert Yu.; Ribeiro, Anderson Andre Genro Alves; Silva, Adilson J. da (2004) [Artículo de periódico]
      We study the one-loop quantum corrections to the U(N) noncommutative supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory in three spacetime dimensions (NCSYM3). We show that the cancellation of the dangerous UV/IR infrared divergences only ...
    • On the finiteness of noncommutative supersymmetric QED/sub 3/ in the covariant superfield formulation 

      Ferrari, Alysson Fábio; Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Gomes, Marcelo; Petrov, Albert Yu.; Ribeiro, Anderson Andre Genro Alves; Silva, Adilson J. da (2003) [Artículo de periódico]
      The three-dimensional noncommutative supersymmetric QED is investigated within the superfield approach. We prove the absence of UV/IR mixing in the theory at any loop order and demonstrate its one-loop finiteness.
    • Superfield covariant analysis of the divergence structure of noncommutative supersymmetric QED/sub 4/ 

      Ferrari, Alysson Fábio; Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Gomes, Marcelo; Petrov, Albert Yu.; Ribeiro, Anderson Andre Genro Alves; Rivelles, Victor O.; Silva, Adilson J. da (2004) [Artículo de periódico]
      Commutative supersymmetric Yang-Mills is known to be renormalizable for N51,2, while finite for N 54. However, in the noncommutative version of the model (NCSQED4) the UV-IR mechanism gives rise to infrared divergences ...
    • Towards a consistent noncommutative supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory : superfield covariant analysis 

      Ferrari, Alysson Fábio; Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Gomes, Marcelo; Petrov, Albert Yu.; Ribeiro, Anderson Andre Genro Alves; Rivelles, Victor O.; Silva, Adilson J. da (2004) [Artículo de periódico]
      Commutative four dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory is known to be renormalizable for N=1,2, and finite for N=4. However, in the noncommutative version of the model the UV/IR mechanism gives rise to infrared ...