• Collisional damping rates for plasma waves 

      Ferrão, Sabrina Tigik; Ziebell, Luiz Fernando; Yoon, Peter H. (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      The distinction between the plasma dynamics dominated by collisional transport versus collective processes has never been rigorously addressed until recently. A recent paper [P. H. Yoon et al., Phys. Rev. E 93, 033203 ...
    • Generation of suprathermal electrons by collective processes in collisional plasma 

      Ferrão, Sabrina Tigik; Ziebell, Luiz Fernando; Yoon, Peter H. (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      The ubiquity of high-energy tails in the charged particle velocity distribution functions (VDFs) observed in space plasmas suggests the existence of an underlying process responsible for taking a fraction of the charged ...
    • Two-dimensional time evolution of beam-plasma instability in the presence of binary collisions 

      Ferrão, Sabrina Tigik; Ziebell, Luiz Fernando; Yoon, Peter H.; Kontar, Eduard (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      Energetic electrons produced during solar flares are known to be responsible for generating solar type III radio bursts. The radio emission is a byproduct of Langmuir wave generation via beam-plasma interaction and nonlinear ...
    • Weakly turbulent plasma processes in the presence of inverse power-law velocity tail population 

      Ferrão, Sabrina Tigik; Petruzzellis, Larissa Teixeira; Ziebell, Luiz Fernando; Yoon, Peter H.; Gaelzer, Rudi (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      Observations show that plasma particles in the solar wind frequently display power-law velocity distributions, which can be isotropic or anisotropic. Particularly, the velocity distribution functions of solar wind electrons ...