• The morphologies of distant galaxies. II. Classifications from the Hubble Space Telescope medium deep survey 

      Abraham, Roberto G.; Bergh, Sidney van den; Glazebrook, Karl; Ellis, Richard S.; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Surma, Peter; Griffiths, Richard E. (1996) [Artículo de periódico]
      The morphological properties of high-redshift galaxies are investigated using a sample of 507 objects (I < 22.0 mag) from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Medium Deep Survey. Independent visual mor­ phological classifications ...
    • The physical parameters of the evolving population of faint galaxies 

      Glazebrook, Karl; Abraham, Roberto G.; Santiago, Basilio Xavier; Ellis, Richard S.; Griffiths, Richard E. (1998) [Artículo de periódico]
      The excess number of blue galaxies at faint magnitudes is a subject of much controversy. Recent Hubble Space Telescope results have revealed a plethora of galaxies with peculiar morphologies tentatively identified as the ...